Movie Quote of the Day
Haven't done a quote in some time. So kicking off the wintery weather we are getting here in the Dallas area...
"Come in and know me better man"
Good luck
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Haven't done a quote in some time. So kicking off the wintery weather we are getting here in the Dallas area...
I wanted to bring this out of the comments section and into a regular post. Something new to me, I love it when I learn new things.
Ok, here are the characters and units I think would take this big bad boy out.
This has bothered me since the Alamo GT. I ran into this unbeatable block. 70 strong, Ld 10, stubborn, re-rollable.
Ok, for you Heroes watchers out there.
I was wrong, it wasn't the half way season finally, that will be next week. This weeks was interesting though.
Just a quick reminder, that the HEROES season finally is on tonight.
I was going to do a Battle report today, but I forgot the guys army list, so I thought it best to do it in a couple days instead.
Ok, here is what should be an easy one.
I hope everyone had a great Turkey day and if you are not in the US, I hope you are thankful for everything you have.
I found this one a couple weeks ago and wanted to share.
Ok, here should be an easy one for the day before Thanksgiving about one of my favorite movies of all time.
Just realized my beastmen chariots took a hit last night as well.
After my friday night massacre and lots of beer, I stumble into Saturday morning and find myself facing an Orc and Goblin army. But with my opponent no where in sight I am moved over to face Matt McDonough and his Bretonians.
Ok, back to a movie quote. This was a fun little movie.
WOW!! What a great show last night? My wife and I were glued to the set, heck we even put off getting our son to bed on time to watch it. The painting Peter wanted, his brother destroyed. It showed Peter dead at the High School. Only a digital capture of it, showed Peter where he had to go.
Just wanted to give a quick recap. Had a fantastic weekend. About the only thing that would have made it better was a game of Warhammer, which I didn't get in.
This army belongs to the President of the DAWGS and our Lead DAWG since the DAWGS inception. His general skills are good, but his sportsmanship is fantastic and his painting is to die for. I never see an army of his I don't just drool over. I managed to talk him into painting my general for my next army so I have at least one awesome looking model in the army.
Ok, here is one for you. This one should be a lot easier than yesterday's.
Lizardmen have a wide variety of choices with their armies and are still very powerful in the GT scene.
Ben asked an interesting question. Do you still see Tomb Kings at tournaments?
First off this was against a guy I met in Mexico who took me around Monterey and showed me a great time. This was our first game and Ricardo is a top class guy with a magnificent army.
Ok, here is a trick question for you. Think hard...
This was the Battle of the Alamo all over again. But from Mexico came the smaller Bretonian knights. From Texas the overwhelming number of vermin.
Ok, here is a little known film.
Ok, I'll get back to movies tomorrow, but for today...
Now that was a show last night. This one was back to the way the first few were. Awesome!!
This tactic utilizes some of the new rules that clarify when you move compulsory move troops.
Ok, here is one you guys should be able to get.
I want to get this one out of the way first. Otherwise, I'll never do it. This was round 5 of the Alamo GT so my very last game with Skaven for some time.
Going out for lunch today, so I'm going to post this a bit early.
Ok, here is another fun little movie that I enjoyed. Not quite as bad as Saturday the 14th. ;-)
One big thing I noticed was the lack of swarms in all the armies I saw. Now the armies I faced don't have swarms as a choice except for the VC player and he didn't have any bat swarms. But just walking around looking at armies, I don't remember seeing hardly any at all.
Hey guys, I wanted to let you in on a Hobbyist who has started doing a Podcast and putting it up on YouTube. Name of it is called The Hobby. Mainly going to be talking about Warhemmer and Flames of War.
If anyone can get this one without having to search for it, I'd be damn surprised.
My findings on the ratling gun are that they are just as impressive and powerful as they ever were. There is so little shooting out there right now, that I have had very little need to try and hide them.
These are a list of things I noticed different in the armies I faced. They seem to be the new breed of army.
Ok, who was the character and movie. This one should be easy.
It was glad to see the cop back in this one, but was disapointed they didn't show what happened at the end of the store incident 2 shows back. He uses his power to help out and find a guy who creates radiation. (Hmmm, is this guy the nuclear explosion in NY) He finds out his wife was having an affair with his partner though. So could be the end of his marriage.
What a great weekend. We drove down leaving mid morning Friday and arrived in San Antonio with no problems. Timed it so we got there right after they setup the game hall. Its a bit crowded but is made up for with the bar just 3 feet from the tables. And $1.25 beers is nothing to laugh about. So I endulged often.
Thought I might take a look at the people I said were a threat to do well.
Ok, now that I'm back from all that Warhammer stuff. Back to movie trivia.
What a great weekend. Had a great time overall. Knocked down many beers, spent many hours talking to old friends and making new ones. Played 4 fantastic games of Warhammer and 1 sub-par game. But all in all, it was super.
Just thought I might point out who I think will do really well at the Alamo GT this weekend. Of course this might all change with the new 7th ed rules throwing a serious monkey wrench into things.
Ok, this one should be easy. This movie will always rank in my top 20 and probably top 10. Its just greatness in all its aspects.
The Alamo is only 2 days away now. I'm starting to get pumped. For those of you who don't do the Indy GT circuit I think you are missing out on a huge asset to our hobby.
Ok, after 2 months of contests, I think more people just enjoy playing more than worried about winning a prize. So I'll go back to that.