Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tactic of the Week

I found this one a couple weeks ago and wanted to share.

The rules state when standing and shooting, that you wait to shoot until all of your troops are in range to shoot before stopping the charger and resolving the missile weapon shots.

So here is my example to take advantage of this. Here is the starting setup:

In the picture we have a unit of glade riders (red block) riding through the woods. They are in the woods enough to gain cover from shooting but out enough to see.
The blue dots are my skinks with javelins. I'm 10" out which is enough room for me to stand and shoot if I want to do that.

So my opponent declares the charge and I decide to stand and shoot. He is close to his Leadership 10 general in the back (not shown) and gains an extra -1 to hit because of being more than half in the woods. Here is the situation if we moved him up till he is barely in range:

As you can see, first, I wouldn't be able to shoot but with 1-2 models. Add on the extra -1 to hit because of woods and I'm in trouble.

But by remembering this rule, he has to travel till he is no more than 8" away from all my models in the unit, like this:

Now he is out of the woods meaning I'll be hitting a lot more, and now that he has been drawn away from his general, he will be rolling on the much lower 8 when it comes to his panic test.

Good luck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, very clever, and very evil - I like it a lot ... good stuff, Ben.

Cheers, Mutter

1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*added to the notebook*


6:40 PM  

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