Tuesday, November 21, 2006

BR: Skaven vs Bretonians Alamo Rnd 1

After my friday night massacre and lots of beer, I stumble into Saturday morning and find myself facing an Orc and Goblin army. But with my opponent no where in sight I am moved over to face Matt McDonough and his Bretonians.

Here is a pic of his army:

Not nearly finished painting, but you can tell its going to look nice when it is finished.

The scenario is capture the road. Basically have a US 10 unit on the road at the end of the game and have no enemy models on it. I figured, lets just kill as many knights as we can and keep a unit near the road for the last turn.

His list looked like this:
Lord on Warhorse Grail vow w/Heartwood lance (re-roll failed wounds), Armor of Agilulf (4+ armor, WS10), Gautlets of the duel (cannot refuse challenge), Virtue of the Joust (re-roll misses when charging)
Damsel Lvl 1 w/warhorse, 2x dispel scroll
7 Knights of the Realm

Paladin w/BSB Warhorse, Sword of Might, Great helm (6+ armor, re-roll failed armor saves)
Damsel Lvl 1 w/warhorse, 2xdispel scrolls
7 knights of the realm w/war banner

9 Grail knights w/banner of defense (4+ ward save for blessing if str 5+)

3 pegasus knights w/full command

9 Questing knights w/Banner of Chalons (unit being charged may not stand and shoot)

9 Knights Errant w/banner of errantry

5 Mounted Yeomen with bow, spear shield, musc.

After deployment his army looked like this:

He prayed so I decided to go first.
Turn 1a: The skaven horde moves up just a few inches like it did the night before.
Magic did nothing but in shooting my jezzails drop a grail knight. No blessing for him.

Turn 1b: The knight roar up to almost the middle of the field. Similar to the Friday night game.
Magic does nothing. His squires might have killed a giant rat.

Turn 2a: Giant rats charge his squires. He forgot they moved 12". If he flees they hit the building and are destoyed. So he stays and takes it and is quickly killed and run down.
Giant rats on other side charge Pegasus knights on hill. Come up 1/2" short.
Slaves move up and angle.
Jezzails with 5 shots kill 3 THREE Grail knights. 3 hits, 3 wounds, 3 failed armor saves, 3 failed blessing saves. Ouch.
Magic kills a couple knights in generals unit.

Turn 2b: Grail knights charge slaves, who flee, he comes up 1/4" short of hitting my clanrats behind them.
Generals unit and Knights errant charge slaves in the middle angled who hold.
KoR w/BSB and Questing knights (also on hill) charge slave unit who flees. KoR are again 1/4" short of hitting my generals unit. Questing knights fail to catch the slaves and are left hanging badly.

His Pegasus knights fly behind my lines.
His knights decimate my slaves who flee from the knights through the pond. Both fail to roll very far and come up short of my clanrat unit.

Turn 3a:
Clanrats into flank of Grail knights.
Clanrats into flank of KoR with BSB
Clanrats into flank of knights errant
Slaves into flank of Questing knights
Plague Censor Bearers into Pegasus knights.

Tunnelers pop up and run to other flank of questing knights.
Giant rats turn around.
No magic as both warlocks are in combat.
I shoot into generals unit and kill 2 knights.

In combat Grail knights lose and are broken. Clanrats fail to catch. I should have moved my ratswarms behind the grail knights for the cut down. I have to pay more attention to that.
Knights Errant lose combat but hold.
KoR with BSB lose combat but hold.
Questing knights lose to slaves, fail their break test, fail again on the re-roll, flee and are cut down by the tunnel team.
Pegasus knights are slaughtered to a man by the Plague Censor Bearers. 12 attacks, 11 hits (after the hatred) and 10 wounds. Ouch!!

Turn 3b:
Generals unit charges clanrats that just broke the Grail knights. They flee and generals unit is stuck in the pond.

Grail units rally and turn around. But leave their rear completely open for my giant rats.
In combat the knights Errant lose and break even with general and BSB nearby. They are cut down.
KoR with BSB loses combat breaks and runs, I capture both standards but he gets away.

Turn 4a:
Giant rats into rear of Grail knights with no blessing and no banner. So down by 6 going into combat.
Clanrats into rear of his generals unit.
Clanrats into fleeing KoR who will flee into building and be destroyed.

Bretonian player concedes.

I think this game was very similar to the nights before. He played a bit better and the 2 redirects that fell 1/4" short on each could have made a world of difference in the game.

He was a great opponent who took the battle very well and was a real sportsman. He ended up getting the award for worst general at the Alamo. Guess he never got over this stomping.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game.
Skaven 20, Brets 4

Standing after round 1:
1 win, 0 losses, 0 draws, 20 battle points


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