Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!

WOW!! What a great show last night? My wife and I were glued to the set, heck we even put off getting our son to bed on time to watch it. The painting Peter wanted, his brother destroyed. It showed Peter dead at the High School. Only a digital capture of it, showed Peter where he had to go.

Its Homecoming and Claire gets elected Homecoming Queen. Her father tries to protect her by grounding her, but it doesn't work. She sneaks out.

In the locker room she is confronting her old friend who had taken credit for saving the man in the fire. So when Sylar showed up, he grabbed the wrong girl.

He slams Claire into the wall which would have killed anyone else, but of course Claire regenerates. But by the time Sylar realized he had the wrong girl he had already cut the top of her friends head off.
So Claire runs and Sylar chases. Claire runs into Peter. Peter tries to slow him down but when he starts throwing locker doors at him, Peter runs as well. Sylar catches Peter at the top of some wall and Peter grabs him as they both go over and smash on the concrete below. The painting was true, Peter is dead.

When Claire gets to him, Sylar is gone and Peter is regenerating trying to put his smashed body back into place. Of course he picked up Claire's regeneration when he touched her. Claire realizes he has the same ability to regenerate. Sylar I'm sure used his TK ability to keep from landing as hard. Still hurt he limps away and runs into Claire's fathers' assistants. The girl controls his mind and orders him to sleep.

When the police show up Peter is getting the final parts of his body into place. They then arrest him for all the blood around. Mostly his, but he doesn't have a scratch on him.

Meanwhile in the middle of all this, Dr. Suresh realizes he must follow his fathers footsteps and unlocks the computer program that has found the people with genetic markers.

And DL and Micah are running from Jessica/Nikki. Micah convinces DL they need to go back to help her, but the show ends with her taking a shot at DL.

Then it jumps to Hiro, after he went back 6 months to save the waitress in Midland.

Next week looks as good as this weeks and 1 hour a week is still not nearly enough for this show. And what about the new painting Isaac put out. Is that Nuke man about to blow up? Did they save the cheerleader? We assume yes, but they didn't save both cheerleaders? How come Hiro going back in time didn't save the waitress? How is saving Claire going to stop the Nuke guy? Who is Sylar and why is he chopping off the tops of heads?

So many questions. So little time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really glad you talk this show up so much. I started watching a couple weeks ago b/c I love superheros, and b/c of all the great press you were giving it. It is really, really good. I especially love shows that take a new slant on things, and this does a great job of taking a new slant on super heros and their powers. I love it!


8:20 AM  

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