Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ratling guns in 7th ed.

My findings on the ratling gun are that they are just as impressive and powerful as they ever were. There is so little shooting out there right now, that I have had very little need to try and hide them.

Magic missiles (which are everywhere) are still a concern, but with the toning down of magic, even those are not that big of a worry.

Running 2 ratling guns in 7 battles now in 7th ed, I have not lost a single Ratling gun, that I would not have lost in 6th ed. No one has been able to pick them out with shooting or MM's.

I do hold them back a bit more cautiously and then when I uncover them to attack, they are still wickedly good. I even get a bit too aggressive with them, knowing anytime a lucky MM will lose it for me. So when they get to shoot, I want them to do well.

This has paid off several times. But a couple of times it did cost me.

Overall, still very much worth the 60 points and then some. And now others can't complain about them so much. Hey if you don't like them, bring some archers and shoot 'em.

Good luck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree, don't think they lost too much apart from needing a little brain power to keep them alive ... don't think the complaints will decrease either, though ... :)

Cheers, Mutter

2:41 AM  

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