Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Alamo GT report

What a great weekend. We drove down leaving mid morning Friday and arrived in San Antonio with no problems. Timed it so we got there right after they setup the game hall. Its a bit crowded but is made up for with the bar just 3 feet from the tables. And $1.25 beers is nothing to laugh about. So I endulged often.

After making the rounds and was honored appropriately I faced off against Ricardo and his fabulous looking Bretonians. We had set this up as a Texas vs Mexico replay of the real Alamo battle. Except this time the rolls were reversed as his Brets were outnumbered somewhere around 100 to 1 to my Skaven. I shined a laser into his eyes early on and blinded him. He had no choice but to fall into trap after trap. He crushed several slave units, but when the clanrats hit his flanks it was all over except Ricardo crying by the end of turn 3. I thought about buying him a beer but said to hell with it and bought one for myself instead.

I then met up with Roy, Jim, John and the Leadership 2 guys to see Jay spill more beer than he drank and Mike and Ed make continual fun of his mother. This seemed like good sport so I watched and drank beer all night.

The next morning I'm fighting Matt McDounough and his Bretts. He obviosly didn't know who I was and paid no homage to me. Or pay me to take the dive. So while still asleep I move exactly as the night before with the same results. My favorite was the slaves into the flank of the questing kinigits while a tunnel team pops up and runs to their other flank. The slaves drag down a kinigit and they break and are immediately cut down. Some 200-300 points taken down by a 44 point slave unit.
Matt begins to cry and while I want to continue pummeling him after turn 3, there is nothing left on the table to beat on.
Victory for the Mighty Good Skaven 20-4.
Matt did go on to pull worst general of the tournament or some such nonsense. I guess he never got over that initial pummeling.

Round 2 I am facing Aaron Chapman. I beat Aaron's Roman Legion Empire army in a pick up game at the Lone wolf, so Aaron was looking for revenge. I laughed at his army and decided to play blindfolded. After slipping me $20 under the table I made an insane charge into his block of 70 (yea I said that right 70!!!) Eternal guard and they mean eternal. Never die, never flee, never lose, cause fear, 2+ ward save and get to shoot flame templates out of every model in close combat. It wasn't pretty and I handed him a 500 vp lead. I fought back and thought we had the draw. Then we remembered one more banner and he took the 350 point victory.
This was all part of the stratagy to throw 2-3 games and then come back to win later.
I of course gave Aaron dogballs and spit on his generals model.

The mighty Skaven take the loss 4-20.
Aaron goes on to win 2nd best overall. Now I regret throwing the game.

Round 3, I'm up against Clay Aikens or some such guy. He throws down a bunch of Orcs and Goblins. Fanatics, chariots, giants, spiders oh my. Its like an oven in the back of the hall where I'm at. I begin to sweat like Nurgle and gases from the BBQ lunch earlier begin to surround the battlefield. My rats run off everything goblinesque and while dozing Clay announces his giant just ate my general. So I wake up out of my pool of drool on the table in turn 6 and crush the rest of his army.
Another mighty victory for the Skaven 20-4.

A night of feasting and drinking and Warmachine leads to going back to the Velvetta Inn where we were living Velveeta Loco and passing out. Oh yea that was just while waiting for a page to load on the internet with their high speed connection.

Round 4, I'm asleep when my opponent finally shows up 30 mins late to our game. I push Dwaynes army on the floor and laugh while he picks up all 100 ghouls and tries to put them back in his movement trays. He tries to bait my plague monks but they don't fall for it. Again I doze off as now that I'm reaching my ancient years, watching young kids stumble around on the battlefield bores me now. 3 years ago I would have laughed and mocked him, but now... Anyway sometime they call time and Dwayne told me he marked me the winner and I let him live. Later the Bailey twins asked how I lost to such and incompetant fool and realized I'd been had.
Last known whereabouts Dwayne was driving to Tiawana to be in a donkey show bragging that at least he beat me once.
Crushing loss for the Skaven 4-20.

Round 5. The Baileys informed me that there was no way they could award me the best overall after 2 losses. I had to force them to the ground at gun point until they begged for forgiveness and promise to see what they could do. I was matched against Steve Chapman and his Cult of Slaanesh. The young kid was obviously in awe of me and hid his unbreakable army in a back corner and refused to come out.
I easily had the game won until my tunnel team pops up perfectly, charges a bolt thrower and with 8 poison attacks gets no hits at all. Later I discover the dice have all 1's on them, but its too late to do anything about it, the score sheet with the draw was already turned in.

Winning Draw for the skaven, 11-9.

At the awards ceremony The Bailey's are nervous as hell as they know the plastic explosives are set all around the scorers stand. And spend an extra hour trying to figure out how to rightly give me the Best Overall. So they call a time out and offer me a peace offering of a Metal Giant box set and allow another DAWG to win, if I won't blow them up. I generously agree and leave with a ton of free swag and some relieved tournament organizers.

Great games and a great tournament. Not my best personal showing, but had some good times. And 13 ratling guns is always fluffy.



Blogger Muskie said...

1.25 beers that is a total selling point. I take it this isn't an official GW event or was it. There are so many more tournaments than there used to be.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

GW doesn't run many "official" GT's any more. They have pretty much been replaced by the INDY GT circuit. Which is much, much, much better. But GW was there and a spokesman for the company gave a small bit out Sunday morning that really impressed me.
They also donated a ton of swag for the event. I picked up a free OOP metal Giant still in the box. But probably close to $2000 by my estimation of free goodies, may have been more.
Reaper also steped up and gave a ton of free stuff as well. Very awesome models.
Great tournament all the way around.

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, very funny and VERY incoherent report - I like!

I think I followed one game, got the gist of another and have NO idea how the other ones went - which is how it should be with tournament reports ... maybe some lessons and insights to follow?

Cheers, Mutter

2:48 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Yea, I'll try and do better reports during the next few weeks. I don't have pictures of all the games, and doing diagrams is out of the question.

But I can give some pretty decent text reports.

5:09 AM  

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