Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Heroes recap

I was wrong, it wasn't the half way season finally, that will be next week. This weeks was interesting though.

It went back 6 months and showed how some of the people got their powers. Ecspecially Sylar.

Sylar's ability wasn't telekenesis to begin with. His ability had more to do with seeing what was wrong with things & people. How Dr. Suresh wasn't able to recognize this, I think was the problem.
When Sylar met with a guy who had the TK ability, he killed him and somehow acquired this power. So I am assuming he is killing all these people with abilities to steal theirs.

Eden and how she came to be with Claire's father is cool. I am starting to think he works for the government to study these people. But his primary concern is just protecting Claire.

And the Hiro, Charlie story line was about as sad as it could get. They fall in love and he gets teleported back to Tokyo. And he couldn't save her anyway because of the blood clot.

And Nikki was abused by her father who had killed her sister. And so she took on her sisters personality to protect herself. Wow, a lot invovled there.

As far as ranking the episodes, this one filled in a lot of back story. Ecspecially with Eden and Sylar, but the next show looks absolutely fabulous. I can't wait.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think sylers power is to see how the human brain works, and how it effects the powers. When he sees the TK guy he acts like he can see how the guys brain is doing it. I think he kills the heros because he envys them and their powers, not realizing what his real power -to see how things work - is. And, by seeing how thier brain makes the power work, he gains the power himself, thus making him less and less ordinary, which is what he despises.

I was really concerned when i saw this whole episode was going to take place six months ago, but it ended up being really good and informative.

Ben N.

9:17 AM  

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