Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Heroes recap

Now that was a show last night. This one was back to the way the first few were. Awesome!!

Only a few stories, but of course the biggest news, Claire's father is not Sylar. He is trying to protect Claire from him. He may not be a good guy, but I don't think he is the face of 'evil' the show has hinted him to be.

Isaac finally gets clean but when Claire's father needs his help, he goes back on the junk to help out Claire.

It introduces a new possible hero a sweet girl with a photographic memory. She makes friends with Hiro, only to be killed off by Sylar. Hiro then decides he must do something and goes back in time to help her. It shows him at a party with her the week before in a picture on the bulletin board, but he does not return as he said he would. Did he save her? It didn't appear he did. Will have to wait and see.

Matt meets with the radiation man. It turns out he was kidnapped by Claire's father and the Haitian man as well. Small marks on their neck, maybe a tracking device. Homeland security grabs him. Matt's a bit upset and I saw a bit of overacting there. But not too bad, he was finally trying to get some answers for his missing 2 days.
Matt's wife finally comes clean on the affair she was having and wanted to know if their marriage was over. Saved by the phone, Matt finds out radiation man escaped. I'm sure with a few small nukes along the way. That guy is just scary.

Finally, Dr. Suresh is putting his life in order back in India, but his father's past comes back to haunt him. Are these images a new power being introduced? Seeing the past? Who is the small child? Is it him or this mysterious sister he had? The child looked like a boy and older than 5, so I'm leaning more towards it is him at an earlier age.

What happens when the computer finally stops processing? How long has it been running crunching this program his father obviously started months earlear?

No shots of many of the heroes last night, but the highlights from next week sent chills up my spine. This could be huge. I am so pumped looking forward to next week.

What did you guys think of last nights show?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you notice right at the end, the picture of Hiro and the waitress on the bullitan board??

I think he made it to an earlier time


8:02 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

yea, I saw the picture. I think I mentioned it. But if he saved her, wouldn't things be changed? Not sure whats happening.

8:49 PM  

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