Wednesday, January 30, 2008

'Ard Boyz Tournament

I didn't think I would ever play in another Games Workshop tournament again. But this latest one they are going to put on, has me a bit on the excited side.

I've gotten a bit tired of the standard 2K or 2250 point GTs that I attend. This is a 3 round tournament. The first being in April, the semi-finals will be held in May if you can come in the top 3 in the first round. And finally the Finals are in June in Chicago.

It is a 3500 point, no bars hold tournament. No paint scores, no comp scores, no sportsmanship. Its just general on general for bragging rights.

I think I am going to go all out for a cheesy a$$ Skaven army that is packed to the gills with ratling guns, magic, screaming bells, more magic, jezzails, more magic, warp lightning cannons and possibly throw in a bit more magic.

My current list I'm looking at is sporting 21 power dice!! For those not familiar with warhammer, my usual 2250 point list has only 6 power dice.

Sure some of it is bound to blow up, but what does not, should wreak some serious havoc on the enemy.

Until next time...

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Twins of Khorne 1st Tournament

Yesterday finally arrived and My Chaos khorne knights were ready to rumble.
It was foggy as pea soup out for the drive to the store which made for a very cool mystery type feeling.

My army:
Exalted hero of khorne, chaos steed, shield, gaze of the gods, sword of might
Exalted hero of khorne, chaos steed, shield, great fang

4 x 5 Chaos knights of khorne, musc, st
4 x 5 Chaos Marauder horsemen w/flails, throw axes, mus
2 x 6 Centigors w/LA, Sh, spear, throw axes, mus
2 x 5 DoW fast cav w/bows, shields, mus

Game 1 I was paired against David Summar and his "gorgeous" wood elves. And I mean gorgeous. This guy can really paint. I had played David at our last small tournament and he had fought Ratspawn to a draw. We had a great game then and I was looking forward to the rematch.

His army was: (from memory)
General on Eagle with the no save 4 shot bow.
hero scout with HoDA
Lvl 1 spell singer with scrolls

2x 8 dryads
2x 7 wardancers w/champs
3 x 10 glade guard
7 scouts
5 wild riders, full command, warbanner
6 glade riders
3 Treekin

I won the roll to go first and shot across the board. Centigors held back searching for loot. The right one found 5 but the left one found a booby trap and lost a centigor.

He muddled around, then shot a bunch killing off some fast cav.
Turn 2 things started to change. Lots of charges. But the big one was one knight unit into his scouts who fled. This I was hoping would take me into his dryads and then an overrun into his general. As it turns out, I was 1/4" away from the dryads and it was a failed charge.
This 1/4 inch was unbelievably crucial later.
Centigors on the left hit his wardancers. I'm thinking ok, he does the 4+ ward dace. So I need 4+ to hit, 3+ wound and 4+ ward = 2 wounds. And he needs 3+ to hit, 5+ to wound and face a 4+ armor save.

so my dice decide no, they will whiff and I only manage 2 hits out of 10 attacks, but both of those wound. He then makes both ward saves. So with his attacks, he gets a bazillion hits but only manages 3 wounds. Then on 4+ I promptly fail all of them. The centigors break and run.

Next turn, 5 marauders charge 5 glade guard. They stand and shoot and only kill 1. I'm thinking ok I've got this. Oh no, as again I get only 1 hit and fail to wound with the flail. A horse does kill 1. But then the glade riders turn and kill 3 horsemen. The last one flees never to be seen again.

He has 7 wardancers charge my knights of khorne. He gets a single dryad on the flank. (but that gives him numbers and a flank). The Wardancers then proceed to kill 4 of my knights as their armor was obviously built by acme armor inc. I failed 4 of 5 armor saves on a 3+.

Finally in turn 5 my general with 4 chaos knights charge his 3 treekin. Tough buggers for sure. My general needs 3+ to hit, 3+ to wound, no saves for them. My knights need 3+ to hit and 4+ to wound. He then gets a 6+ and 5+ for saves.
My general gets 2 wounds off of 3 hits. And my knights get 2 wounds, he promptly saves both on his 6+ armor.
He then turns around and needing 4+ and 3+ gets 3 wounds. Needing a 4+ save, I fail all 3. So I lose by 1 and am outnumbered by fear causers my general flees right into 3 glade riders that I failed to kill earlier.

I shook Davids hand at that point. David went on to go 3-0 in the tournament and win best overall. And David also got my players choice vote for his army.

Game 2 verse Peter Hammel and his Orcs and Goblins
Lvl 4 goblin shaman w/ stuff
Lvl 2 goblin shaman w/stuff
2 Black orc heroes, 1 was the BSB with the mimic save item. The other had the +1 attack per hero nearby and was the general.

Big unit of Biguns
Big unit of Black orcs
3 units of night goblins w/ 5 fanatics total (2 on either flank, 1 in the middle.)
1 unit 5 wolf riders
1 unit of 5 spider riders
Catapult, Doom Diver, 2 Ballistas

In this scenario each player had a cow herd they had to get across the table. It was stupid and Ld 4. Goal was to get it into the enemy deployment zone. There were also 2 bulls in the middle of the board you wanted to kill.

Turn 1, he moves up some, releasing the single fanatic and killing 1 bull. then in magic his lvl 4 rolls a miscast on 4 dice blowing himself up.
I moved up and with my centigor throwing axes, killed the bull.

Turn 2 his lvl 2 mage casts a spell with 2 dice and miscasts killing himself as well.
Things went down hill for the greenskins from there. His highlight was when my Great Fang wielding hero was in a challenge with the BSB (so he had a 1+ armor save but my sword negated it.) And he managed to live as I hit 3 times and failed to wound. Later though my lord got in a challenge with him and I killed him.

In the end he only had his catapult crew left on the board and it was fleeing. And I managed to have my general shepard the cow herd into his deployment zone.

Game 3 vs Paul Coxe and his Tomb Kings
High lich priest w/stuff including jar
2x Lich priests w/2 scrolls and a staff of +1 casting.
tomb prince w/scorpion armor

big block skeletons w/prince
big block tomb guard w/raise dead banner
10 skeleton archers (that all 3 priests went into)
4 tomb swarms
2 screaming catpults
2 scorpions

He castled up on one side on his back board edge and was planning on shooting and magicking me to death.

Turn 1, he gets the spell off to let his catapult shoot. It misfires and blows up.
After that not a lot as I race across the board keeping him guessing on his range with his final catapult.

My centigors go frenzy. I charge my marauders into the tomb swarms to draw them off and then have the centigors hit the catapult. This would lead me into the flank of the archers with the priests. But my stupid marauders failed their fear test and the centigors hit the swarms instead.
I was talking about blowing through them and Paul laughed. He said there ain't no way. Well 18 attacks later needing 3+ and 2+ and I did 11 wounds!!! He does manage to kill 1 back but loses by a lot and crumbles. This allowed me to overrun into his catapult.

He then charges the centigors with the scorpion and kills 3. The last 2 break, and this panics off a unit of 5 marauders that were blocking my knight unit with hero from getting to the skeletons.

So in they go and it takes 2 rounds but the skeletons with prince are destroyed and I laugh at his feeble curse.

His ushabati with urgency charge my knights. Then with the striking spell kill off 2. Uggh!! Then in combat manage to kill another as I finally made some saving throws. My knights do 2 wounds and win by 1.

I then get a flank charge with another knight unit and wipe out the ushabati.

The final big combat he gets urgency off on his tomb guard who charge my general's unit. He manages to kill one with killing blow and I wipe out a bunch. But due to the scenario (where we have a chest) it prevents 2 extra crumbling for undead.

In the next round he challenges, and I kill his champ with my general but only did 3 wounds and he saves one of them.
Then my knights only manage 2 wounds and he saves both of those.
My horses do a wound and he saves that!!!

He doesn't do anything to me, but wins by 1. Outnumbered by fear causers, oh crap. This is the bottom of turn 6.

anyway, my generals unit also has the chest and makes me immune to fear and stubborn. So I get to ignore this and get a Ld 8 stubborn check that I make.

I also ended up getting the catapult, the skellie archers (but no lich priests) and both scorpions.

I ended up being ahead by 500 pionts or so for a minor victory. Paul got my favorite opponent vote as it is always a pleasure to play Paul.

Ended up going 2-1 in the 14 player tournament and in 4th place overall.

So for the first time the Twins have hit the tournament scene they didn't do bad. Their only loss was to the 3-0 overall winner. And if my general wins that combat with the treekin, and they break, this game is so different as it then leads me into his last archer unit and probably a draw at the worst. But you never know.

If you read this far, I hope you enjoyed it.

Until next time...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Getting Inside Your Opponents Loop

Bill Whittle wrote a very good essay recently, that I blogged about earlier this week, talking about an idea that was created by John Boyd. John Boyd was the man responsible for bringing our kill ratio of fighter pilots in Korea and Vietnam from 1:1 back up to 10:1. He then further expanded this idea into modern warfare. He studied everything from Sun Tzu to Patton. He studied an idea called Fingerspitzengefuhl or fingertip control and his first real break through was that a fighter jets best characteristic was agility. Not speed, or armor, or killing power, but the ability to change its energy state rapidly.

Bill goes onto write an excellent essay on how this idea is being used today to turn the tide in the war in Iraq. What I am going to attempt to do is explain how this idea can be implemented into the world of Warhammer and more specifically into the Wood Elf army.

Fighting a battle of Warhammer is not significantly different than fighting in a fighter jet. There are four steps everyone goes through:

1. Observe: Each general observes what the other is doing. Whether it is just how they are deploying their army. If they are taking care to how units are angled. How they moved on the first turn. What seems to be the critical area of your army the opponent is targeting?

2. Orient: You assess where your army is, where it is heading, how fast it will get there. Likewise where the other guy is heading and how fast he is getting there. From this you will build a mental image of how the battle will play out.

3. Decide: Now you must decide what to do. Are you in a good position to go on the offensive? Or do you see the battle slipping away and need to go on the defensive? Now you must decide what to do.

4. Act: Finally you act. This is when you put your choices into action by moving your units into combat, or to avoid combat. And here the physical skills of your troops will play out. But Boyd realized that there are 3 mental steps before the actual physical step. But more importantly he realized that the 3 mental steps were far, far more important.

So in the Game of Warhammer you Observe, Orient, Decide and Act. Then you do it all over again, and again. It is a loop and it has been termed, the OODA loop. Here is where Boyd made another breakthrough. It wasn’t necessarily the person who makes the best decisions; it’s the one who makes the fastest decisions.

Agility, Speed, Precision, Lethality, Fingertip control. Making a move, and then before your opponent can react, making another move. By the time your opponent re-orients himself, you have made another move. Now your opponent is so confused and afraid of making the wrong move he panics. But really at this point he has no good moves left. This is called getting inside his decision loop.

At this point you are probably saying, “This makes sense for a fighter pilot, but we are each playing a turn based game. How can I make faster decisions and moves when we each have the same amount of time? I can’t do anything until he finishes his turn?” I know this seems counter-intuitive at this point. So let me see if I can guide you through this to help you understand what I am grasping at.

A better example is chess. We each have pieces; we can each only move our pieces 1 at a time. We have to take turns. So why is a grandmaster able to beat even an expert player 9 times out of 10 and more often 10 of 10? It’s not so much his better understanding of the pieces. That is a very simple concept. It is about thinking ahead. I use to play chess and got to where I would routinely think 8 to 10 moves ahead, in a chess game. A grandmaster can sometimes look 15 or more moves ahead. When you are doing this, you can see what your opponent cannot. You can see possibilities that they cannot. You can make moves now that may seem meaningless to your opponent, and make perfect sense later. This is in essence getting inside his decision loop because later it is too late for him to respond to the trap you have laid.

Let’s take this same concept to Warhammer. If I plan out what I think is going to happen in the first 3 turns of the game. While my opponent is only thinking about what he is going to do right now, then I can see what my opponent cannot. I can act faster than he can. And I can get inside his decision loop. I can make him try to react to me, but if I am good enough at it, he will hesitate and not know how to react. Panic and fear will soon set in. He will hesitate and he will lose. Agility is the key to our army that makes this possible.

A wood elf army is the best, bar none, of being able to do what no other army can do. We can change tactics on a heartbeat. We can strike and jump out of the way to avoid the counter-strike. We can move the entire battle from one side of the field to the other. We can move where our opponent does not expect.

So here are some examples of how you can do this.

Glade Riders: Nothing says maneuverability like fast cavalry. Players no longer fall for the ‘flee and flank’ tactic. Sure some do, but I am finding more and more who won’t take the bait. So what do you do then? Fast cavalry are great in this situation as they are able to slip between battle lines and end up behind his units. Nothing makes a general panic more than having rank breakers behind his lines. Having an option after your opponent doesn’t take the bait is getting inside his loop. If he takes the bait great, but if not, he doesn’t know what is going to happen, you do. Don’t just sit in a static state, make things happen.

Wild Riders: This unit can epitomizes what I am talking about: agility, speed, precision, lethality. They can be threatening one flank and in a second, they can be on the other side threatening another flank.
Warhawk Riders and Eagles: Flying units. Enough said. They can go anywhere fast and be all over the field. Hit and run ability makes them able to be deadly and efficient.

Way Watchers: Even during deployment, you can go where they cannot. Setting up 2.5 inches in front of a unit in the woods. Deploy behind his lines. There is nothing like a woods or hill in his deployment zone that screams blind spot. These guys can go where your opponent does not expect scouts to go and you can be inside his decision loop before the game even starts.

Tree Singing, Calaingor’s Stave and Deepwood Sphere: Wood elves are the only army in the game that can literally move the earth. Being able to move woods around or enhance your ability to do it, is incredible. This also allows you to move units that are in the woods. So while he was expecting his units to be safe from the terror of the Treeman for another turn, he comes moving 10” into a woods, then surfing over with 2-3 treesinging spells, to not only get in range of terror next round but strangle root attacks right away. Now your opponent is in a panic to pull his general from one side of the board to the other. You are getting inside his loop.

Other Spells: Hidden Path, what he thought he would be able to shoot, now ignores his shots, and you are able to run right over that difficult ground he put the warmachine in.
Call of the Hunt and Wolf Hunt, both are great. Any spells that give your units extra movement are the best in the game. And allow you to go and do things, you were not expected to be.
Beast Cowers and Mistress of the Marsh, Only thing as good as giving your guys extra movement is preventing him from moving.

Moonstone of the Hidden Ways: As long as there are 2 woods on the board more than a foot apart, this may be the most powerful magic item in the game. The ability to completely pick up a unit and move him somewhere else is just incredible. Agility, quickness, seeing what your enemy does not, this is what it is all about.

So next time you setup for a battle. Play it out in your head. Know the outcome before you ever push a model or roll the dice. Plan those surprise moves like using the moonstone. Or the feint that will move half your army over to hit one flank. Don’t be afraid to try some things you never have before. One of the best parts of agility is that even if you make a mistake, you can often correct it before the enemy can take advantage of it.

Remember, Observe, Orient, Decide and Act. Be quick about it and get inside his decision loop.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Diverting with Skirmishers

In my last article I wrote about how to divert units with fast cavalry. They work best because they get to flee further, then after they rally, they can still move and even shoot. Keeping the pressure on the enemy.

But skirmishers can even be used to divert units.
When using skirmishers they need to work with either a 2nd skirmish unit or some terrain. Any difficult terrain will do.

In my example I have here, I have a unit of glade guard archers on the hill. The Vampire count unit has a huge unit of 12 Black Knights with full command running across the board to kill them. Meanwhile the sneaky wood elf player also has a unit of 5 glade guard scouts hiding in the woods.

In the first diagram, the unit of Black knights have just moved up into charge range to wipe out the deadly archers on the next turn.

Lets assume for a minute this was his turn 1 move. Luckily the Wood elf player anticipated the forceful move of the Vampire player and countered with the scouts in the woods.
On the wood elf players turn, he runs the scouts out of the woods and in front of the Black knights. Note that only 2 models are required to be in front of the knights. One that needs to be the closest visible model. And a 2nd further away to block the knights from going around the skirmishers.

In my example, the model with the red dot stops 1 inch away and just off the corner of the huge unit of knights. The blue dot model is there to block the unit from being able to make a wheel and going right by the scouts.

Also, since I marched my scouts I cannot shoot with them. But since they are strength 3 bows shooting into 2+ armor, its not that big a deal. And it was more important to make sure they lived through the VC's first magic phase where a deadly Gaze of Nagash might have squashed this plan. Of course if he had moved within 8" of the skirmishers, your 5" move would not have been enough to get you into position. So staying closer can be important.

In addition, Vampire Counts have that very nasty Dance spell that lets them move units in the magic phase. Even if they don't get it as a spell many use the book as a bound item. This spell must be stopped. It is the best nastiest spell the VC have. And can easily counter this tactic. Always know, who has this spell or book and how many dice they have left.

Now in the Vampire Counts turn he has a couple options.
1. He can charge the scouts. This is really what we want him to do and expect.
2. He can try to slide over a couple inches and try to move up a couple inches. This is a really bad plan and if he does this, you are in great position. If he does this he is going to try and kill the scouts either with a banshee or magic. So you need to either have another unit ready to move up, or stop the magic.
3. The 3rd option is declare a charge on the archers on the hill. While this might seem silly, it is possible to do. His thinking is your blocking archer is not far enough over and he can wheel past you and charge up the hill and hit the end of the archer line. If he does this, I would stand and shoot. Here is the reasoning.
A. If you flee you are probably running off the board anyway.
B. You get in a free round of shooting. And odds are he will either not make the wheel around scouts, or the wheel takes him so far off line, he misses you or doesn't have the range to hit you.

In this case if he tries to wheel, while he makes it around the guy with the red dot, he does not make it around the blue dot.

So what happens next?
While I'd like to say this is a failed charge, it is in fact, Enemy in the Way and he can either stop 1" short, or declare a charge on your archers.
So assuming he declares a charge on the archers, you would move them back to where they originally were.

NOTE OF GOOD GAME PLAY: Whenever moving a unit that you are unsure about what is going to happen. Always mark where it was before hand.

After moving the unit back to the original location, draw a single line between the closest visible skirmisher and the center of his unit. Like this:

You can see I have the red stick going through the center of the knight unit and through my skirmisher. BTW, this is also what would have happened had the VC player chose to charge the scouts originally.

You roll your flee distance and with only 2d6" trying to beat his 14" charge can be a challenge. That is why terrain is desperately needed to slow him down. Without it, odds are he will catch you unless you roll 10" or more. In this case I rolled 8" and moved deep into the woods. Every model runs the exact same line parallel to the closest model. The one I had a red dot on.

The Black knight unit must wheel all the way around to face in the same direction and then can begin the rest of their charge. In this case after measuring and counting the affect of the terrain the scouts get away.

And the Black knights stop after moving 7". This leaves them in a horrible position facing right into the woods. On your turn you rally the scouts. And after he spends a full turn reforming to face the archers again, your scouts are right back into position as in diagram 2 above.

This all works out wonderfully, but what happens if there is no terrain in the right place. This can easily happen and often leads to sacrificing a unit. I know many players out there do not like this concept, but it is essential sometimes.

If we assume for a minute the woods in the diagram above was not there, or the unit was able to freely move through the woods, then the knights would have caught the scouts and destroyed them. The knights would now be sitting basically where the scouts are now.

While this is a shame, it is not all bad either. This 85 point unit has diverted this 340+ point unit off of its main target. This allows you to continue to work. In this example, the archers could begin moving to the left and up. The next turn the knights are going to have to reform anyway to begin to face the way they want. This gives you another turn to move the archers off the hill and out of Line of sight.

Or this is where a 2nd unit of scouts runs in front of the knights drawing them in a completely different direction, that by the time they get turned around, the game is over. And the primary target was never touched.

I have done this with 25 point Skaven night runner units. I have used skinks in this roll as well as Dogs of War duelists, gnoblar trappers and more. Almost every army except maybe dwarfs have a unit that can fill this roll.

If 2 units of 25 point skaven night runners can totally derail a 340 point freight train, it is well worth their sacrifice.

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Damn Politics

Well today without me ever getting to vote, my candidate for president withdrew. That just sucks.

The only guy who came close to having the same views on the issues as me, Fred Thompson, withdrew his name today from running. This really is a pain.

The rest of the liberals running as republicans are horrible. Well except for one. I don't see eye to eye with him on everything, but at least he isn't as liberal as Huckabee or McCain. Guess I'll be throwing my hat in for Romney now. I just hope he makes it Texas.

Until next time...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Its about Agility

One thing I have been doing in my latest 2 armies is trying to improve my agility.

That may seem like a weird word when describing an army. But the idea is that it is not always about power. Its not always about blasting your opponents to smithereens. Many times its about you dictating the fight. Forcing when and where to fight on your terms, not on his.

Nothing does this better than skirmishers and fast cavalry.

But up until today, I had not put my finger on the word that best describes this tactic. But thanks to an essay put out by Bill Whittle, you can find it here.

And that word is agility.

Its a bit of a long read, but is definetely worth it.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Art of Feign Flight

I'll be trying to restart up my Weekly tactics lessons on Warhammer.

I recently had a person tell me they just did not understand how diverting worked.

Diverting units comes in many forms. Eagles are good at it. Small units of skirmishers. But nobody can beat the fast cav unit at pulling it off.

In my example I have a unit of 5 glade riders standing off a unit of 14 Swordmasters in a 7x2 formation.

After the SM's move up, I run a unit of 5 glade riders in front of them. Lets just assume for now my riders are shooting at some other target. But if they were targeting the Sword Masters it would be dwindling their numbers quickly.

Here is the starting setup:

The setup is very important. You must be close enough so that with a straight wheel, the enemy unit cannot get past you. But far enough to one flank so that if he charges you, he will have a large wheel to come after you giving you the best chance to escape.

If he can wheel past you, then there is a chance he will charge a different unit behind you. If there is no one nearby for him to charge, then you can be further back, as he cannot come within 1" of you while moving, unless he is charging.

If he does not wish to charge, he must turn, move sideways and then turn again. Gaining very little in the way of distance to his intended target.
And since he did not charge you, you will be free to move the cav right back into the same place. After 3-4 turns of him moving a total of 8" across the board, he might decide its best to charge you.

So now he decides to charge. The correct response is flee. This is also assuming he has no other units that can charge you.

In the new 7th edition rules, fleeing is much different and IMO, much cleaner than before. You pick the center point in each unit. Designated in this picture with red dots. Then draw a line between these points. This is the path of flight.

Next, you spin your unit to face in that direction and roll your dice. In my case I rolled an 8 on 3d6 and moved my unit 8". He has to wheel to align the unit with the direction of flight. This took him 3.5" and so only has 6.5" left to catch me. So he fails and only moves up 1.5".

Even a cavalry unit can be made to fail this way, you just have to get closer and more to the side. Forcing them to wheel a huge amount of distance.

The next step in the feigned flight is the rally. This is where units like skirmishers and eagles fall short. Fast Cav have the special rule that if they flee a charge and then rally on the next turn, they may move normally, including marching if no one is within 8" and even shoot.

The wood elf glade riders are Leadership of 8, so with the musician, they rally on a 9. I rolled an 8 and they are good to turn around. With a leadership of 9 to rally you have a good 83% chance to succeed and if your general is nearby, or in the case of a wood elfs, if a noble is in the unit, then you are rallying on a 10 and have a good 92% chance for success.

Here I have rallied, and moved right back into position in front of the SM's again.

And from this vantage point I am free to shoot them or again, shoot at another target. Maybe one I have not slowed down, and can concentrate fire on.

The best the SM's can do at this point is continue to pointlessly chase around this band of fleeing horse riders or to try and turn back towards their original target.

So they pull this move:

So this got them a few inches closer to their target, but then the glade riders once again move in front of them, continuing the onslaught of arrows and frustration.
And since they don't want to go further to the right, their only move would again be to charge the glade riders.

In this case a 126 point fast cav unit diverted and delayed the 220 point Sword master unit that would have torn up almost anything I could have thrown at it. This allowed me to:
1. Deal with his other units first before dealing with him.
2. Pepper him with arrows till I felt I could deal with him in hand to hand.
3. Avoid him for the entire battle if I wished.
4. Setup a nice flank charge on him after he was forced to wheel to come after me.

This works really well against other normal cavalry and ranked infantry. This does not work against:
1. Skirmishers
2. Fast Cavalry
3. Monsters
4. Flyers
5. chariots

It does not work on them for 2 reasons.
1. They can move around your blockade with no effort at all, barely slowing them down.
2. If they do charge you, they do not have to wheel. So your average flee distance of 9"-12" usually will not get you away from one of these units. Though it can be used to draw a chariot or monster off in one direction to either delay them, or open up a flank charge. But if that is your mission, I'd advise using cheaper units like small skirmishers and eagles as compared to expensive fast cav.

I hope this tactics page has been somewhat helpful to you.

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Terminators Rock

Well, I guess it doesn't matter if it's a movie or the new TV series, I love terminators.

Add in the most remarkable actress of Summer Glau and I'm glued. Thomas Dekker does an above average job as John Conner as a teenager and while I didn't care for Lena Headey as Sarah Conner, she is growing on me. I think the look from blond to brunette was the biggest reason. But she does a pretty good job of the overprotective, schyso mother that Sarah portrayed in Terminator 2.

The pace of the show is frantic and keeps you guessing as to what is going to happen next. Plenty of action and I love the way they are tying in strings from the first 2 movies. Enrique (from T-2) shows up in this latest episode and hooks up Sarah with his nephew for some fake ID stuff. Then when the girls find out he's a snitch, Summer has to kill him. Which pisses off Sarah, but as it turns out was the right thing to do. Enrique was about to give them up.

Is it me, or did Summer look not robotic when John first met her at school and is now very robotic and trying to learn the mannerisms.

I tell you what, it doesn't look like it will take long for John to hook up with Summer Terminator if she keeps wearing short skirts. And how is she going to keep that pretty face if she keeps going toe-to-toe with every terminator that shows up to kill John. So far they have kept the cuts to her temples and away from her face, but eventually someone's going to plant a right hook on that nose of her and split it wide open. Or she will take a bullet to the face protecting John.

Well, no matter what is in store, I'm looking forward to more episodes. In this down time when nothing else is on, it is a nice relief. Not sure what I'm going to do when Heroes cranks back up.

Until next time...

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Pain of it All

I am just numb today after the Cowboy's loss yesterday to the Giants.

They just ripped out my heart and stomped on it with that lousy 2nd half performance they put on.

When they went up 14-7 right before half I said, "If we hold them here we've won. A field goal and its a game." Never thinking they had a shot for a TD.

As soon as that stupid idiot grabs the face mask and got the 15 yard penalty I said, "Ah #@$$%, that can turn the game right there."

And sure enough it did. They go in to score tying it at half time. I tried to pump myself up for the 2nd half, but in the back of my head was that little nag about how much that lifted that Giants team.

And sure enough, we march down and get a field goal and thats it for the game.

How many dropped passes? How many stupid, stupid, stupid penalties did we get. Almost none more important than that personal foul when a lineman hit Strahan when he was down. That turned a 1st down and getting us out of our end, to a 3rd and long. Crayton drops it and we punted to them setting up their go ahead winning TD.

If he just doesn't hit him, we get a first down, move on down the field and who knows what happens.

So 2 personal foul penalties changed the entire outcome of the game. Not to mention the completely bogus intentional grounding call against the Cowboys. That was just crap.

I did think the refs were trying to give it to the Giants. Not so much on what they called but on what they didn't. They were continually holding, grabbing and tackling our wide receivers and there were only a couple calls when it was really blatant.

But I also blame Jason Garret. That 4th down call I felt was bad. In addition to the 3 WR's in the end zone he should have had TO or Witten running across at the 10. Much easier throw into an area that was wide open. We still had plenty of time to spike the ball and get 3 shots into the end zone from the 10. I think he got impatient and Romo had no options.

Well, onto next year, but with a 13-3 season, I am highly disappointed. How the hell do you go 13-3 and not win your first playoff game. This is the first time in league history a #1 seed lost in this round since they started this format.

And now I'm left rooting for Greenbay. OMG!! My head might explode. Because the giants have no shot of beating the pats.

Go San Diego. I can root for LT at least. Maybe this is his year.

Until next time...

Friday, January 11, 2008

BR: Wood Elves vs Lizardmen

Bear Claw crawled through the woods to get a better look at the daemons that had crept into their woods. His scouts had reported them, but he could not believe such things. The white man had come and taken their land and the great spirits saved them. But now where the hell had they been taken.

Green was the color of their skin. And Bear Claw could see the scales that rippled as they trudged along. Small fast ones carrying small spears. Bigger slow ones, larger than a man. But what were the huge daemons. They towered larger than a horse and tomahawks as big as a man. And beasts that crawled and spit fire, surely the spirits had not taken them to the underworld. But where?

He had let the enemy come and take his land before. Never again! He had sworn to his tribe. Never again will anyone come and take the fertile and plentiful woods that they held, kept sheltered from the rest of the world. No, this time, they die.

*** As you can tell the background for my wood elf army is a tribe of Comanches that were tired of having their land taken away and could see the future was written. So they prayed to the great spirits who lifted this tribe and placed them in this strange world. Plenty of woods and game to help them. The great spirit lives in their great Totem and joins them in battle. (The treeman) ****

Army lists: 2250 WE vs Lizardmen
Bear Claw: Wardancer Highborn with Blades of Lorec and Amber pendant
Eye of the Eagle: Nobel on steed with LA, Sh, Spear, Talon Bow and pagent of strikes
Screaming Thorn: Nobel with GW, LA, Sh, HoDA and HotH
Owl beard: Shaman lvl 1 w/2 x D.scrolls

10 Glade Guard, mus
10 Glade Guard, mus
8 Dryads
5 Glade riders, mus
5 Glade riders, mus
5 Wild riders, mus
5 Wild riders, mus
8 Wardancers, mus
8 Wardancers, mus
5 Waywatchers
The great Totem Spirit Treeman

His army was:
Old blood on foot, nike shoes (9" move) not sure what else
Scar Vet BSB on cold one
skink priest, 2x d.scrolls
skink priest, diadem

20 Saurus warriors, st, champ
9 Saurus warriors, standard
13 skinks w/blowpipes
13 skinks w/javelins & shields
13 skinks w/javelins and shields
7 Saurus cold one riders w/standard
3 Kroxigor
3 Kroxigor
3 Salamanders
7 chameleon skinks

Setup looked like this

Turn 1a: Bear Claw told his men to hold back. If these Green Daemons wanted to pass he would let them. But alas, these daemons had no interest in peace. It was his tribes land and food they wanted. Well he was not going to let it go without a fight.

The lizardmen surged forward almost in a straight line. The skinks on the far right shifting out of the way to give their shaman line of sight to the wild riders.
He called lightning out of the sky striking 4 of the wild riders on the far right flank but it was only strong enough to harm 2, and one was quick, jumping out of the way at the last second.
(he rolled an 8. I matched it with my 3 dice and also rolled an 8. But a 6-1-1, fails. He got 4 hits, 2 wounds and I made one 6+ ward.)

Water daemons came out of nowhere and attacked our brothers who had camouflaged themselves with branches. (my dryads). But luckily his had no clear shot because of the camouflage. (He only did single shots, even though double would give him 6+ to hit. He wanted more hits. He got 3 with 1 poison. Failed to wound with the 2 others. And I ward saved the 1.)

Here was the field after his turn:

Turn 1b: Bear Claw looked at the brave warrior laying on the ground. His horse running back to the village. He let out a war cry that resounded through the valley and his warriors sprinted forward.

The dryads charged the chameleon skinks who fled into the safety of the woods. :D
Everyone else moved up and then we showered a flow of arrows on them as they had never seen. Owl beard called upon the spirits of the trees who responded killing over half of the chameleon skinks.
Then with bow fire, we killed 4 of the left hand skinks. They flee and run through the salamanders who flee with them as well. But not before our trusty scouts took down 2 of the handlers.
We only managed to kill 2 skinks in the middle group. And Eagle Eye was able to put one arrow into the skink priest on the far right with the 2 scrolls.
(oh how he felt safe until I pulled out that Talon bow. Then the sprite went and missed rolling a 2. I also did not have a decent target with my HoDA which I really wanted to use. But couldn't see wasting it on skinks.)

Here is the battle after turn 1:

Turn 2a: The leader of the greenskins was not convinced his daemons could not handle this band of wild men. He charged out of his unit at Eagle Eye with the speed of a jaguar. Of course Eagle eye, while great with a bow, never learned to handle a tomahawk with much skill and fled from the fierce daemon.

Of his fleeing skinks, only the chameleons rallied. But neither rolled far enough to get off the board. Again, the rest of his forces move up.

His priests again tried to bring lightning down, this time on the scouts. But knowing the power of the heavens, Owl beard broke one of the bark runes, given him by the great totem.
Shooting did nothing. (in some unbelievable whiffage, he throws 11 javelins at my archers, and only hits 1 time on 4+. And then fails to wound with it. )

Turn 2b: Time to take it to him.
Bear Claw and his warriors charge into the huge daemons in front of them.
The scouts charged the fleeing skinks, who run away, but do not go off the battlefield and the scouts are just short of hitting the fire spitting beasts who were also running.
The wild riders on the left charge the chameleon skinks and the wild riders on the right charge the skinks on the right.

The Totem spirit moves out of the woods. Eagle Eye and his warriors, turn around and run back up the field.

(here I screwed up big time. I should have just charged the other wardancers into the flank of the Kroxigor, I had range barely. It was close enough that I wasn't sure. And I so wanted to use my Hail of Doom arrow. Oh well, live and learn.)

So here was the setup right after charges:

Owl Beard again called upon the forest spirits who attack the intruders in the center skink unit. Killing almost half of their numbers and causing them to run.

Next came Screaming Thorn and his arrow of doom. Does nothing. (I only got 7 hits on the Kroxigor, and 3 wounds. He makes all 3 5+ saves.)
My glade riders at least put an arrow into their thick scales.

The other glade riders spot the priest behind the rocks and a single arrow finds his heart, if he ever had one, dropping him.
(But Eagle Eye himself could not shoot, which I think is just bunk. Question, can the sprite still shoot?)

In combat, the wild riders on the left only killed 2 skinks and the last one runs. The wild riders overrun into the hulking kroxigor.

On the right the wild riders do much better killing 5 of the little buggers, I was actually worried about losing combat here. But he does none in return and the remaining ones break and run almost panicking their Leader.
But the Wild riders see the trap the daemon steeds have laid and do not chase.

Finally in the center, Bear Claw himself tears into the huge beasts almost killing one by himself. Bear Claws personal warriors jumped into a frenzy of tomahawks and knives finding the chinks in the daemons beasts. One warrior was thrown to the ground, his body broken, but not before 2 of the hulking slow beasts went down and the last was bleeding badly.

Bear Claw pursued, but the daemon got away. Instead the large block of daemons had their flank stuck out and they charged into that instead.

The daemons called for an all out retreat and Bear Claw let them run. The green ones knew now that this wood was protected, that this woods was revered. That this wood could not be invanded.

I know he called the game a bit early, but it was late. Still he had a lot of his stuff running or in very bad shape. His big block was in serious trouble and while his general could either run off my glade riders or go kill my wild riders he couldn't do both.

His cav was in a bad spot at they couldn't decide what to do. I think their plan was to go for the treeman. But if he didn't kill him on the charge, he was in trouble.

Overall, I was very pleased with the outcome of the game and the way my army worked together.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Until next time...

It's my Birthday...

I want to apologize to my readers since I haven't been posting a lot lately. I've been a bit under the weather, and when I don't feel good, I find it hard to do little things, like keep my blog updated.

Hopefully, I'll get over this quickly and get back to my daily routine.

So yesterday was my Birthday. Not a ton of fun as I went to work for most of it. Spent an hour on the phone getting certified to refinance my mortgage from the company that already holds my mortgage. So let me get this straight. I have never missed a payment to you guys in 18 months. Never been late on a payment. My credit score is pushing the top off the max there can be, but I have to spend an hour on the phone with some idiot going through all my personal information, that you already have so I can make my payment lower than it was before.

GEEZ!!! Give me a break.

So after that, I went to the game store and picked up some flesh wash and black ink, that I was out of and went home.

Had a very nice dinner of Chicken Parmesan with some cheesecake for desert. And then went up and played some Warhammer online with my new wood elf list and kicked some butt.

Overall a very nice day except for the 1 hour on the phone with the loan idiot.

Hope to have some details on the battle soon.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Lone Survivor

One of the gifts I received for Christmas was a book called the Lone Survivor. It is the true account story of Seal Team 10 in Afghanistan by Marcus Luttrell and ghost writer Patrick Robinson.

Marcus was a Navy Seal from Texas and was part of a 4 man team that went deep into the mountains in search of a Al-Queda leader. They were to spend several days to spot him and then kill him.

Instead, an off hand chance encounter with some goat herders had the men second guessing on what they should do. As the old saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished, definetely applied here. They let the peasants go, and even though they quickly moved to a new location, they had been discovered and were soon in for the fight of their lives.

Not since Leonidas and his band of Spartan, Thespians and Greeks stood against Xerxes was a force so outnumbered.

While in Greece some 2500 years ago, it was 5000 - 7000 against around 200,000 this was 4 against 140-200 Taliban lunatics.

In addition, Leonidas has the terrain on his side. A narrow pass that prevented them from flanked, these seals had no such luck. And the only way to prevent from being flanked and circled was to continue a downward battle by jumping off a series of successive cliffs.

Shot, battered, broken bones, and no where to go, these 4 brave men put up a battle that those Taliban will not soon forget. Their deadly accurate shooting accounted for over half the taliban fanatics, while RPG's and machine gun fire at them never ceased.

For every American this is a fantastic read. It is written in a story manner as if you are sitting around just chatting with Marcus.

These men deserve our greatest respect and admiration. I salute them.

Definitely pick this book up and give it a read. I am generally a slow reader, but knocked this book out in only a few days. You just cannot put it down. It is one of the best Non-fiction books I have ever read and should be on the required reading list in every High School in America.

Until next time....

Monday, January 07, 2008

Warhammer Online

While many of you out there are awaiting the new Warhammer Age of Reckoning (WAR) online game, as am I. That is not what I am talking about here.

I am referring to the Lorenz site, that is based in Italy, so the English is a bit rough, but the creator is working with us, to straighten it out and let us add things to it. It is basically the same as playing warhammer, except you are using small pics for your units instead of miniatures.

What this is really great for is several things:
1. Get to play guys you never would otherwise.
2. Get to try out armies you never would otherwise.
3. If your not feeling well, you can log on, and get a game usually pretty fast. Though if we had a few more players on, it would be easier. Right now maybe a couple dozen of us.

It use to be a lot more popular when it was free. But you have a lot of players get on who were jerks. Now he is asking for a 1 time payment of $15. I understand this completely and had no problem paying it. So our group is smaller, but all much better players.

There are some drawbacks to the game:
1. It can occasionally crash. Though it has been a long, long time since I've seen it do this. And it has an auto-save feature.
2. Sometimes things get jumpy on the server, when it lags a bit. You go to move something and it jumps back where it was. But overall not bad.
3. Games can take longer since you are communicating over the internet and not just there talking.

If you are a player, really picky about movement and exact measurements, you won't like this.

Since building my Harmony the dumb blonde vampire army, I had 3 more armies I wanted to build.
The first was my Rat Ogre army. Without a good set of Skaven Moulder rules, I turned to the Chaos beast list. I am very happy with the way it came out and it is very competitive in GT's, scoring 2 top 10 finishes in 2 tries and a trophy.

The 2nd army I wanted to build was a Native American Indian army. I found a set of miniatures and got them, only to find out they were too small for Warhammer. Said 25 mm, but were closer to 18mm. Their horses were smaller than dogs. So I got rid of those. I found another set being sculpted, but they were not finished yet. I would have to wait.
So I jumped armies to my Centaur army. It is now being painted and I'm playing that in my league. I'm very happy with the way it looks, and have a blast playing it, but its not going to win many GT's. That is for sure.

So now that I have finished buying, building and am now painting the centaurs, it is time to go back to the Indians. But before I spend a lot on miniatures I wanted to try them out and settle on an army list I'm happy with.

In comes, the online Warhammer forum. I got on this weekend and played 2 games with my new Wood elf list. I had a blast both times.

In game 1, I was facing a very magic heavy vampire army. Things didn't look so good as I burned both scrolls in the first turn. I did a double charge with wild riders and dryads at his black knights and bounced off.
My other wild riders charged some ghouls and bounced as well getting run down.

After just 2 turns my opponent was ready to declare he had won. And yet, barring a continued barrage of horrible bad rolling and extreme lucky dice on his part, I had the game won. If my archers with their 20 or so str 4 shots as well as my treemans strangle root, could take down even 4 of the black knights, I had it won.

It is a bit complicated to explain, but I think I had a draw at worst. He felt because he had so much magic, he would win. Meanwhile his Vamp Lord was in a zombie death pit, that I had surrounded. I wouldn't mind finding that player and finishing the game. But doubt if that will happen.

In game 2, it was verse a khorne beast player. So my magic defense was useless, but here things went great. My elite waywatchers again could not hit anything and were run off. But between my treeman, 20 archers and 10 glade riders, I wiped out whole units of beastmen. They were in bad shape. My wardancers with general took out his chosen knights of khorne. He had a superherd of 25 or so gors and ungors and I killed it down to a man. And my treeman had taken care of a unit of Minotaurs of khorne.

All he had left was his 3 characters, 1 chariot, 1 unit of minotaurs, some furies and a couple really small herds. He was in serious trouble. But he wanted to call it a draw. I thought that was funny.

Anyway, I am starting to get settled in on my army list and will hopefully be buying my miniatures soon. You can get a glimpse of them here:

I'll be using the Comanche Indians, with maybe a few others thrown in. Unfortunately, they are currently re-doing the horses for the cavalry models and so I have to wait a bit longer. Hopefully not too long.

I need enough to buy the full set, which comes with the Comanche Acrobat rider. I can't wait to put him in my army. Looks awesome.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Battle Report, League game 2

My Warhammer League game 2 came up against Shaun Gray. Great opponent and every year it seems both of us make it into the playoffs. He has pulled 2 3rd place trophies from the MAWL and is always a great game.

This year he has switched from Skaven to Empire. So I was pretty worried coming into this game with my Twins of khorne. I kept my no armor save sword over the d3 wound sword.

I don't have his list but his army was:
General on steed
BSB on steed
Captain on steed
Captain on pegasus

He had 2 big blocks of swordsmen with 2 detachments each. 9 free company in a 3x3 block and 5 handgunners
block of Great swords
6 pistoliers
10 handgunners
10 flagelants
2 cannons
2 units of 5 knights
1 Hellblaster

Terrain had a huge wall on the left side with a swamp in front of it.
We had the Apocalypse of Heroes in the center and was pretty big.
On the right he had some walls at the edge of his deployment zone and a house on the far right side. A hill on my right side.

My deployment was pretty even across the board while he put a cannon in each corner. The hellblaster behind the walls.
The knights next to it.
His main blocks in the middle.
knights on the left side along with the pistoliers and flagelants.
His pegasus scouted behind the large wall.

He picked sides and I won the roll to go first. I let him take first turn.
Turn 1a: Nothing except the cannons could shoot. He flies his peg behind my units on left side and doesn't move much else. Blocks move up a bit and he searches for the scroll and finds it. Cannons kill a couple guys.

Turn 1b: I decide its best to be aggressive so everything plows forward except 2 marauders on the left and a centigor. They turn to surround the peg. With 16 axe throws, the peg and captain are wiped out.
I have 3 units search for the scroll and all fail.

Turn 2a: Game turns quickly. He charges his knights at my Dogs of war and they flee.
His knights don't quite make it to my knights on the hill. Wish they had.
Then he unleashes holy hell on me as his cannons kill a couple guys. But then his hellblaster rolls 20 shots, 6 hit, they all wound and wipes out the entire knight unit. None saved. The marauders on their right panic and run off the board. The Centigors pass their save. So 15 handgunners unload on them and wipe them out.
The other marauders on the right are knocked down to 1 guy and he flees, gone.

So the only thing left on the right flank is my knights with hero. And 5 fleeing DoW fast cav.
On the left he shoots and kills a couple things but nothing much.

Turn 2b: knights on far left charge pistoliers who flee. So failed charge. Everyone else is trying to move up. Right side DoW cav rally.

Things get hazy in here. At this point I've lost over 600 points of troops and he has lost nothing. So out comes the beer and pizza and I just relax to have a good time.

I get a charge on his greatswords. A detachment flanks me. I win by a couple and the detachment flees but GS's hold. Knights then flank me and he kills none. I wipe out the GS's down to 1 or 2 guys. They both break. Knights run through the pistoliers who panic and run.

His flagelants charge my chaos knights. And in 2 rounds of combat are wiped out. Cannon is then destroyed.
I chase both the knights and pistoliers off.
On right side a single DoW fast cav charges the cannon. Wins combat and chases them off the board.
He then in turn 5 runs around to block off the hellblaster from shooting my general's unit of knights. So his 10 handgunners in the house shoot at the DoW cav behind the stone wall. So 5 guys needing 7's to hit. Gets a hit and kills him.
The hellblaster gets off its 5th shot. All between 18 and 20 hits. So 15 rolls without a misfire. And wipes out my general's knights.

On my side, I bait a big block with my Dogs of War cav, he takes it. And as soon as he does, I know I'm in trouble. Cav flee, so khorne knights with hero can charge the swordsmen in the flank, or the other swordsmen with general and BSB in the front.

I know whats coming but decide its still the better option and hit the flank. I win by a ton, but here comes the rod of command. Damn it, I knew it.
General with BSB and swordsmen in my flank.
My hero challenges and his general accepts. I move my hero to the end, and that is the only model he is touching on the flank, so only the general gets to attack there. That helps some. His general with 3 attacks, hits twice. Wounds twice. Then needing a 4+ armor save, I roll 2-3's and the hero dies. Ugghhh!!! If I save one of those, my hero has a great chance of killing his general.
My knights then promptly roll horrible as well. I lose by 5. Needing a 3 not to break I roll a 4. 1 more wound and I hold there. DAMN it!!!
Knights are broken. They get away and rally. But when his general and captain charge in, I take it and he kills the last 3.

Turn 5 I want to keep his knights out of my left quadrant, so I leave my DoW fast cav where they are and search for the artifact, but fail to find it.

His turn 6. Knights charge the DoW fast cav who flee. He does not make it into that table quarter. Denying him 100 vp.
His 2 characters pull out pistols and shoot at my centigors and kill 1, knocking them down from 3 to 2. So they cannot claim a table quarter.

My turn 6. Centigors wipe out detachment. General charges and wipes out detachment.
Marauder cav of 3 stays put. searches and finds the magic artifact. Takes the boobytrap of 2d6 str 3 hits. 2 die, and the last guy makes his panic test. So I keep the artifact.

But then the roll that changed the game. My Dogs of War fast cav need an 8 to rally and fail. So that is 100 vp I lost for them and 100 vp I lost for the table quarter.

We add up the results and he is ahead by 480 vp. That 200 vp from that 1 roll means I draw him.

But it didn't happen, oh well. Still had a fantastic game, did achieve the scenario objective and picked up the artifact. So now 0-1-1 in the League. Horrible start for the 1st place finisher from last year. Different army is a lot more difficult to win with.

MVPs. For him it had to be the hellblaster. 5 attempts, all with 18-20 shots, no misfires. Accounted for 2 full knight units as well as a several marauder units.

For me, my general. He took the knight charge in the flank and he failed to do a wound to me. My general then broke his greatswords, knights and panicked the pistoliers. Took out several detachments and took 2 hellblaster shots in the teeth and only suffered 1 wound.

Until next time...

A Kitty Update

With the new year fast approaching, we were amazed at how fast this 2 small kittens are growing. They are much larger than the other kittens we have seen at the same age of 8-9 weeks old.

In addition, the strange coloration, big paws, ferocious appetite, speed and climbing ability far outweigh other kittens of 9 weeks.

So we started trying to figure out what the heck these kittens are. It was then we realized, it is possible the 2 precious little kittens are half bobcat. We have seen a bobcat that hangs around outside our yard and has chased our cats back into our yard. But he won't enter.

I figured something of this nature must have happened before. That surely there was a whole group of websites devoted to half bobcat/cats. Well, there are, and there are not. There are a few websites of other people who believe they have a half-bobcat and try to sell them for hundreds of dollars. There are also other sites that say these people are full of it. That you can produce the same cat by mixing several different breeds.

People have tried to mix cats and bobcats before and have not been successful. Even the ones who claim to have them, are not 100% sure, they just believe it because Meow-mix got out while in heat, a bob-cat was nearby and Fi-fi came back clawed up and pregnant. Many of the doubters think this is a fabricated story and that these people bred the cats, then made up the story to create a new species of cat to show and sell.

Looking at the pictures of these cats, our kittens have all the attributes of the pixie-bobs or whatever else names they have given them, and look like the majority of them as well. Which is the basic coloration with spots and stripes of a bobcat.

Since I am not a breeder, I have no earthly idea what the heck I got. Just what they look like. It has even occurred to me that I may possibly have the first real cat/bobcat breed. And a DNA test could prove or disprove all of this. Of course I have no idea how to go about doing this, or if we want to go through the cost it would take.

So what do I do at this point??

Well for one we are enjoying the heck out of these very lovable kittens. One thing it did mention of the half-bobcats is that they are extremely loyal. As loyal as a dog even. Maybe it has to do with a full bobcats territorial traits.

If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. I'll try and get some more pics up soon.

Until next time...


Sorry its been so long since I've blogged, but it was a pretty hectic holiday. I seemed to always have something going on and it went by waaaayyy toooo fast.

But had a wonderful time with a great Christmas, some great warhammer games (reports to come soon I hope), a very nice New Year's Eve and then my son actually brought his girlfriend over to our house for New Year's day dinner. We had met her before but never for more than 10-15 mins. We spent 2-3 hours with them yesterday and it was really nice.

Overall a wonderful end of the year. But now I'm back to work. I'll be making several posts over the next couple of days to try and catch up. I hope everyone's Christmas and New Years was as good as mine.

Until next time...