Warhammer Online
While many of you out there are awaiting the new Warhammer Age of Reckoning (WAR) online game, as am I. That is not what I am talking about here.
I am referring to the Lorenz site, that is based in Italy, so the English is a bit rough, but the creator is working with us, to straighten it out and let us add things to it. It is basically the same as playing warhammer, except you are using small pics for your units instead of miniatures.
What this is really great for is several things:
1. Get to play guys you never would otherwise.
2. Get to try out armies you never would otherwise.
3. If your not feeling well, you can log on, and get a game usually pretty fast. Though if we had a few more players on, it would be easier. Right now maybe a couple dozen of us.
It use to be a lot more popular when it was free. But you have a lot of players get on who were jerks. Now he is asking for a 1 time payment of $15. I understand this completely and had no problem paying it. So our group is smaller, but all much better players.
There are some drawbacks to the game:
1. It can occasionally crash. Though it has been a long, long time since I've seen it do this. And it has an auto-save feature.
2. Sometimes things get jumpy on the server, when it lags a bit. You go to move something and it jumps back where it was. But overall not bad.
3. Games can take longer since you are communicating over the internet and not just there talking.
If you are a player, really picky about movement and exact measurements, you won't like this.
Since building my Harmony the dumb blonde vampire army, I had 3 more armies I wanted to build.
The first was my Rat Ogre army. Without a good set of Skaven Moulder rules, I turned to the Chaos beast list. I am very happy with the way it came out and it is very competitive in GT's, scoring 2 top 10 finishes in 2 tries and a trophy.
The 2nd army I wanted to build was a Native American Indian army. I found a set of miniatures and got them, only to find out they were too small for Warhammer. Said 25 mm, but were closer to 18mm. Their horses were smaller than dogs. So I got rid of those. I found another set being sculpted, but they were not finished yet. I would have to wait.
So I jumped armies to my Centaur army. It is now being painted and I'm playing that in my league. I'm very happy with the way it looks, and have a blast playing it, but its not going to win many GT's. That is for sure.
So now that I have finished buying, building and am now painting the centaurs, it is time to go back to the Indians. But before I spend a lot on miniatures I wanted to try them out and settle on an army list I'm happy with.
In comes, the online Warhammer forum. I got on this weekend and played 2 games with my new Wood elf list. I had a blast both times.
In game 1, I was facing a very magic heavy vampire army. Things didn't look so good as I burned both scrolls in the first turn. I did a double charge with wild riders and dryads at his black knights and bounced off.
My other wild riders charged some ghouls and bounced as well getting run down.
After just 2 turns my opponent was ready to declare he had won. And yet, barring a continued barrage of horrible bad rolling and extreme lucky dice on his part, I had the game won. If my archers with their 20 or so str 4 shots as well as my treemans strangle root, could take down even 4 of the black knights, I had it won.
It is a bit complicated to explain, but I think I had a draw at worst. He felt because he had so much magic, he would win. Meanwhile his Vamp Lord was in a zombie death pit, that I had surrounded. I wouldn't mind finding that player and finishing the game. But doubt if that will happen.
In game 2, it was verse a khorne beast player. So my magic defense was useless, but here things went great. My elite waywatchers again could not hit anything and were run off. But between my treeman, 20 archers and 10 glade riders, I wiped out whole units of beastmen. They were in bad shape. My wardancers with general took out his chosen knights of khorne. He had a superherd of 25 or so gors and ungors and I killed it down to a man. And my treeman had taken care of a unit of Minotaurs of khorne.
All he had left was his 3 characters, 1 chariot, 1 unit of minotaurs, some furies and a couple really small herds. He was in serious trouble. But he wanted to call it a draw. I thought that was funny.
Anyway, I am starting to get settled in on my army list and will hopefully be buying my miniatures soon. You can get a glimpse of them here:
I'll be using the Comanche Indians, with maybe a few others thrown in. Unfortunately, they are currently re-doing the horses for the cavalry models and so I have to wait a bit longer. Hopefully not too long.
I need enough to buy the full set, which comes with the Comanche Acrobat rider. I can't wait to put him in my army. Looks awesome.
Until next time...
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