Wednesday, December 12, 2007

League BR Game: Twins of Khorne vs Dwarfs Pt 2

Here was the setup at the end of turn 3 when I left off:

Turn 4a: Dwarfs: The dwarfs don't have a lot to do. The Hammerers turn to move towards the middle of the field. The Long beards continue to march towards my side.
The Thunderers fire and wipe out my marauder horsemen closest to the hammerers.
The bolt thrower combat continues on, with no clear resolution in site in the combat with 2. The smaller combat, I manage 2 hits and 2 wounds, removing 1 more bolt thrower.

Here was the battlefield after his turn 4:

Turn 4b: Chaos: Somehow with all my frenzied troops, I had no charges at all.
so I ran my heroes unit around the backside of the graveyard. And then had my general join the unit.
I moved everyone else up ready to charge the next turn.
I moved up my full cav unit at his hammerers, and then thought that isn't a smart charge, so I backed them up some.
I forget to move my 2 marauder completely as they had been in the same place so long. So instead I throw at the thunderers, killing 1.

Looking back, I either should have ran my chaos knights completely away from the right side of the board, or had my general join the unit. That might have made a difference.

In combat, I wipe out the last crewman on the left bolt thrower, I win again with the combat, but again they hold.

Here is the field after turn 4:

We had a discussion somewhere around here about what the objectives were. My opponent had it in his head he was supposed to get in my deployment zone. I said, oh no, you are supposed to kill my general. So I must be the one to get in your deployment zone.

On this info, he stops marching his longbeards unit towards my deployment zone.
As it turns out later, I realize his was to kill my general and mine was to stop him from getting in my zone. So we played it as I had to get into his zone. I didn't realize the mistake till later.

Turn 5a: Dwarfs: Again, not a lot to do. The Hammerers move up, the Thunderers turn around. Longbeards aren't sure what to do, knowing they cannot catch my fast cav and now with no objective to march too and out of the game. They just sit.

Turn 5b: Chaos brain fart time: I do not know what possessed me to be such an idiot, but I am.
General's unit charges the thunderers. If the 2 marauders also charge, he cannot stand and shoot. Duh!! He stands and shoots. Since his champ has heroes he waits until I am 8" away, so all his shots are short range. He ends up wiping out the 2 guys in the unit. My hero #2 takes only 1 hit, which he fails to wound.
My General ended up taking 3 hits, he wounds with 2. I'm thinking ok, 3+ armor save piece of cake. I roll my 2 dice.....a 1 and a 2!! OUCH!!
Luckily this was my general and not my hero as I have the Gaze of the gods. So 4+ ward save. A 1 and ...... a 4. Whew!! I live.

So the hero and general make it to the Thunderers.
The centigors join in the bolt thrower combat.

Then we measure from my last chaos knight unit to his Hammerers. I measure out 14" and am easily short. Ahhhhh!!! this unit is my stable unit and has a 16" charge. I am just at 16" and can squeeze through to make it. NOOOO!!! Not the charge I wanted to make.

I don't move my guys around a lot, including forgetting to move the 2 marauders again!!

Here we are after the charges:

I decide to do the hammer combat first, so if I can kill the BSB, that will help things a lot.
His general goes and whiffs, doing only a single wound and I save.
I then whiff badly, killing 2 normal hammerers, but nothing on the BSB. He wins combat by a bunch, I break and flee a whopping 7". He pursues 8" and catches me.

I wipe out the bolt throwers, but because of my 2 marauders, the centigors cannot overrun into the flank of the thunderers. Ugghhh!!

Finally my general and hero go. I do a total of 5 wounds and his champ does none back. So he only has 2 ranks (thanks to that 1 axe throw) and US, so I win by 2, but he holds.
If I charged with the 2 marauders, the 2 knights make it in and with the banner, I probably win by a lot more, break them and then maybe even have a shot at the other longbeards on the last turn. Oh well!!

Turn 6a: Dwarfs: Again not much to do. The Hammerers turn to face my centigors which I have no intention of charging with.

In combat, my General and Hero combine do a total of 2 wounds!! Luckily he whiffs back as well. So 2 wounds verse only 1 rank (thanks to that lone axe throw) and US.
He has no musician, so it is a draw, and I keep my frenzy. Sweet!!

Turn 6b: Chaos: Can I pull this off. Roll for drunk, of course, my centigors in the middle go frenzy and charge right into the damn hammerers!! Ugghhh!!

I move the rest of my guys to claim table quarters. Shooting does nothing.

In combat, I go ahead and go hand weapon and shield with the centigors. His general gets in 3 wounds with his first strike. But with a 5+ armor save, I save 2 of them. With my 15 Attacks back, I kill a single damn stunty. Again, the dice cursed me.
His BSB and champ do 3 wounds between the 2 of them, I fail every save. And the final centigor fails his insane courage and heads for the hills.

In the last combat, my general and hero finally go berserk and wipe out 6 of the thunderers and he breaks and is run down.

Final positions:

When we added up the points, with his hammerers, longbeards, general, BSB and thane untouched, the dwarfs were up by 240 points. And he had a banner of mine from when the hammerers broke the knights.

I luckily also captured a banner and had 2 table quarters, so he was only up by 40 to make it a draw.

Mistakes I made:
1. If I run my chaos knights and centigors away from the hammerers, that is 480 points I save.
2. If I have the marauder horsemen join in the combat with the thunderers, then while they may have died (-50 vp) the knights would have probably lives +120 vp.

So I basically threw away 550 vp that would have given me the win in the final 3 turns of the game.

Mistakes my opponent made.
1. deploying 2 of his 3 main units against the board edge. With the chasm over there, I would have put some of the warmachines there, and the rest in the graveyard.
Thunderers were fine, 1 Long beard unit there.
Then put the other guys where he put the organ gun.
2. Pulling his units back and leaving the warmachines hanging. If he moves his units out some and with good spacing, if I hit his units and overrun I run right past the warmachines, giving him more turns of shooting. If I choose not to overrun so I can charge the next turn, he gets more shooting.
3. Deploying the warmachines so far up. I never understand why players put warmachines on the front edge of their deployment zones. I don't usually do warmachines, but if I did they would be on the back board edges.

I hope you enjoyed the report.

Until next time...


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