Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Movie Reviews

Today I'm going to review 2 movies. The first one I watched 2 weekends ago called "Knocked Up." And the 2nd one I watched this weekend "The Greatest Game Ever Played."

Knocked Up is a 2007 film staring Seth Rogan and Katherine Heigl. It is a Judd Apatow film, the same director as 40 year old virgin. If you enjoyed it, you will enjoy this and if you didn't enjoy 40 year old virgin you won't like this one either.

I can't say much about this movie that has not already been said,it is very well known, involves sex in a comical way and has way too many F-bombs dropped through out the entire movie. Especially as you get towards the middle to end of the movie where it appears the writers ran out of material and weren't sure what to do with the characters, so lets have a big fight, drop a bunch of four letter words and we will jump 3 months to the end when everyone gets back together out of desperation and they all live happily ever after.

I found the plot very predictable, well except for the insane side trip to Vegas, which added nothing to the movie. The dialog was very predictable. And the actors were as well. Its still a funny movie that gave me a good laugh.

Katherine is just super hot. Why this girl is still doing TV I have no idea? But the fact that they couldn't get her to take her bra off even during the sex scenes was very disappointing. Not so much because I want to see her breasts, even though I do, it just looked so fake. There was plenty of flesh jiggling around to appease the young under 22 male crowd, so the only reason she left her bra on was because she said she wouldn't take it off.

So next time Judd, if your making an R rated sex movie, get an actress who doesn't mind going shirtless.

The 2nd movie is an older 2005 movie called the Greatest Game Ever Played. This is a little known film starring Shia LaBeouf, quickly becoming one of my favorite actors, and Stephen Dillane. It was directed by Bill Paxton and is about the true story of the 1913 US Open Golf tournament.

So first off if you hate golf, don't bother. But if you are a fan of the game, or just enjoy sports movies, I highly recommend this film. The story is about the great legend of the game Harry Vardon and a young kid Francis Ouimet (pronounced "we-met").

Harry Vardon won 6 English Open Championships, which is a record still held today. And he won the US open in 1900. At the time he was considered the greatest golfer alive.

Francis Oiumet actually got to meet Vardon on his US tour in 1900 and idolized him. In 1913, when Francis was 20 years old, he played in the US open and faced off against his childhood hero Vardon.

While this movie drags at times, especially at the beginning, in the end you cannot sit still as Paxton does an outstanding job of building up the tension of the tournament. So if you can fight your way through some of the slow parts and the never ending reminder of the class system back in the 1900's, there is a great payoff at the end.

Until next time...


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