Monday, January 28, 2008

The Twins of Khorne 1st Tournament

Yesterday finally arrived and My Chaos khorne knights were ready to rumble.
It was foggy as pea soup out for the drive to the store which made for a very cool mystery type feeling.

My army:
Exalted hero of khorne, chaos steed, shield, gaze of the gods, sword of might
Exalted hero of khorne, chaos steed, shield, great fang

4 x 5 Chaos knights of khorne, musc, st
4 x 5 Chaos Marauder horsemen w/flails, throw axes, mus
2 x 6 Centigors w/LA, Sh, spear, throw axes, mus
2 x 5 DoW fast cav w/bows, shields, mus

Game 1 I was paired against David Summar and his "gorgeous" wood elves. And I mean gorgeous. This guy can really paint. I had played David at our last small tournament and he had fought Ratspawn to a draw. We had a great game then and I was looking forward to the rematch.

His army was: (from memory)
General on Eagle with the no save 4 shot bow.
hero scout with HoDA
Lvl 1 spell singer with scrolls

2x 8 dryads
2x 7 wardancers w/champs
3 x 10 glade guard
7 scouts
5 wild riders, full command, warbanner
6 glade riders
3 Treekin

I won the roll to go first and shot across the board. Centigors held back searching for loot. The right one found 5 but the left one found a booby trap and lost a centigor.

He muddled around, then shot a bunch killing off some fast cav.
Turn 2 things started to change. Lots of charges. But the big one was one knight unit into his scouts who fled. This I was hoping would take me into his dryads and then an overrun into his general. As it turns out, I was 1/4" away from the dryads and it was a failed charge.
This 1/4 inch was unbelievably crucial later.
Centigors on the left hit his wardancers. I'm thinking ok, he does the 4+ ward dace. So I need 4+ to hit, 3+ wound and 4+ ward = 2 wounds. And he needs 3+ to hit, 5+ to wound and face a 4+ armor save.

so my dice decide no, they will whiff and I only manage 2 hits out of 10 attacks, but both of those wound. He then makes both ward saves. So with his attacks, he gets a bazillion hits but only manages 3 wounds. Then on 4+ I promptly fail all of them. The centigors break and run.

Next turn, 5 marauders charge 5 glade guard. They stand and shoot and only kill 1. I'm thinking ok I've got this. Oh no, as again I get only 1 hit and fail to wound with the flail. A horse does kill 1. But then the glade riders turn and kill 3 horsemen. The last one flees never to be seen again.

He has 7 wardancers charge my knights of khorne. He gets a single dryad on the flank. (but that gives him numbers and a flank). The Wardancers then proceed to kill 4 of my knights as their armor was obviously built by acme armor inc. I failed 4 of 5 armor saves on a 3+.

Finally in turn 5 my general with 4 chaos knights charge his 3 treekin. Tough buggers for sure. My general needs 3+ to hit, 3+ to wound, no saves for them. My knights need 3+ to hit and 4+ to wound. He then gets a 6+ and 5+ for saves.
My general gets 2 wounds off of 3 hits. And my knights get 2 wounds, he promptly saves both on his 6+ armor.
He then turns around and needing 4+ and 3+ gets 3 wounds. Needing a 4+ save, I fail all 3. So I lose by 1 and am outnumbered by fear causers my general flees right into 3 glade riders that I failed to kill earlier.

I shook Davids hand at that point. David went on to go 3-0 in the tournament and win best overall. And David also got my players choice vote for his army.

Game 2 verse Peter Hammel and his Orcs and Goblins
Lvl 4 goblin shaman w/ stuff
Lvl 2 goblin shaman w/stuff
2 Black orc heroes, 1 was the BSB with the mimic save item. The other had the +1 attack per hero nearby and was the general.

Big unit of Biguns
Big unit of Black orcs
3 units of night goblins w/ 5 fanatics total (2 on either flank, 1 in the middle.)
1 unit 5 wolf riders
1 unit of 5 spider riders
Catapult, Doom Diver, 2 Ballistas

In this scenario each player had a cow herd they had to get across the table. It was stupid and Ld 4. Goal was to get it into the enemy deployment zone. There were also 2 bulls in the middle of the board you wanted to kill.

Turn 1, he moves up some, releasing the single fanatic and killing 1 bull. then in magic his lvl 4 rolls a miscast on 4 dice blowing himself up.
I moved up and with my centigor throwing axes, killed the bull.

Turn 2 his lvl 2 mage casts a spell with 2 dice and miscasts killing himself as well.
Things went down hill for the greenskins from there. His highlight was when my Great Fang wielding hero was in a challenge with the BSB (so he had a 1+ armor save but my sword negated it.) And he managed to live as I hit 3 times and failed to wound. Later though my lord got in a challenge with him and I killed him.

In the end he only had his catapult crew left on the board and it was fleeing. And I managed to have my general shepard the cow herd into his deployment zone.

Game 3 vs Paul Coxe and his Tomb Kings
High lich priest w/stuff including jar
2x Lich priests w/2 scrolls and a staff of +1 casting.
tomb prince w/scorpion armor

big block skeletons w/prince
big block tomb guard w/raise dead banner
10 skeleton archers (that all 3 priests went into)
4 tomb swarms
2 screaming catpults
2 scorpions

He castled up on one side on his back board edge and was planning on shooting and magicking me to death.

Turn 1, he gets the spell off to let his catapult shoot. It misfires and blows up.
After that not a lot as I race across the board keeping him guessing on his range with his final catapult.

My centigors go frenzy. I charge my marauders into the tomb swarms to draw them off and then have the centigors hit the catapult. This would lead me into the flank of the archers with the priests. But my stupid marauders failed their fear test and the centigors hit the swarms instead.
I was talking about blowing through them and Paul laughed. He said there ain't no way. Well 18 attacks later needing 3+ and 2+ and I did 11 wounds!!! He does manage to kill 1 back but loses by a lot and crumbles. This allowed me to overrun into his catapult.

He then charges the centigors with the scorpion and kills 3. The last 2 break, and this panics off a unit of 5 marauders that were blocking my knight unit with hero from getting to the skeletons.

So in they go and it takes 2 rounds but the skeletons with prince are destroyed and I laugh at his feeble curse.

His ushabati with urgency charge my knights. Then with the striking spell kill off 2. Uggh!! Then in combat manage to kill another as I finally made some saving throws. My knights do 2 wounds and win by 1.

I then get a flank charge with another knight unit and wipe out the ushabati.

The final big combat he gets urgency off on his tomb guard who charge my general's unit. He manages to kill one with killing blow and I wipe out a bunch. But due to the scenario (where we have a chest) it prevents 2 extra crumbling for undead.

In the next round he challenges, and I kill his champ with my general but only did 3 wounds and he saves one of them.
Then my knights only manage 2 wounds and he saves both of those.
My horses do a wound and he saves that!!!

He doesn't do anything to me, but wins by 1. Outnumbered by fear causers, oh crap. This is the bottom of turn 6.

anyway, my generals unit also has the chest and makes me immune to fear and stubborn. So I get to ignore this and get a Ld 8 stubborn check that I make.

I also ended up getting the catapult, the skellie archers (but no lich priests) and both scorpions.

I ended up being ahead by 500 pionts or so for a minor victory. Paul got my favorite opponent vote as it is always a pleasure to play Paul.

Ended up going 2-1 in the 14 player tournament and in 4th place overall.

So for the first time the Twins have hit the tournament scene they didn't do bad. Their only loss was to the 3-0 overall winner. And if my general wins that combat with the treekin, and they break, this game is so different as it then leads me into his last archer unit and probably a draw at the worst. But you never know.

If you read this far, I hope you enjoyed it.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


It sounds like your army took on some very different armies. Fantastic play!

1:55 PM  

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