Thursday, February 15, 2007

A review of the building rules

One of the newest rules in the 7th ed book were new and useable building rules.

They are actually very simple, but people either are not reading them, or not using them, when they should.

Are their still questions with certain aspects of the rules? Sure, but all in all, they are pretty well done.

1. Only infantry models may enter a building. This is described as anything on 2 legs on a 20, 25 or 40 mm base. This does exclude skaven weapon teams, which is pretty silly. But true.

2. To enter the building you may not march, but only 1 model must reach the building for the unit to enter.

3. Max size of the unit must not be higher than US 30. US 30+ may assault the building, but not enter it. Cavalry models may not enter or assault the buildings.

4. Inside the building up to US 5 models may shoot out for each level of the building.

5. If you are inside the building you may not march or charge out of the building.

6. Any missile weapons that shoot at you are either -3 to hit you, -2 for Ogre sized models. Or only do d6 hits max. So a ratling gun, d6 hits max. Cannon, stone thrower, Spells with templates, etc.. all do d6 hits max.

7. 1 unit may assault a building if a unit is inside. If the unit flees, then it is moved outside the building and flees. The assaulting unit will fail its charge. It will either move 1/2 distance, or if half distance will touch the building, I'm assuming it can occuppy the building if it wishes, or stop 1" outside the building.

8. If engaged in an assault. Up to US 10 on each side may fight. So 10 infantry or 3 Ogres may fight. A single model may be targeted by up to US 5 in models. So 5 infantry may attack a single wizard.
NOTE: Don't put wizards in buildings.
Or only 1 Ogre could.
NOTE: Wizards in building are ok as long as only Ogres may assault it.

9. When counting up combat resolution, use wounds only. No banners, warbanners, bsbs, ranks, unit strength, bloodlines, virtues, nothing, zilch, nadda, zip. The only thing that counts are wounds done. And then if it is a draw, count musicians.
Ogre types with great weapons will love assaulting or being assaulted in a building. But nothing beats ethereal troops. Banshees should camp out in them. Barring a magic weapon, they can only lose by max of 1, if the opponent has a musician.
Spirit hosts should also do really well inside of buildings.

Note: Never assault a spirit host or banshee camping out in a building unless you have magic weapons or at least a musician. It is suicide.

10. If the unit inside the building loses, they take a break test as normal. If failed they are put outside the building and flee. The assaulting unit, may not pursue, but either stay where they are, or may enter the building. Since you did not pursue, you do not capture their standard, if they had one.

11. If the assaulting unit losses, or it is a draw, the assaulting unit moves 1" back and the assault is ended. You do not take a break test. And while it does not say it, I would assume you also do not take instability tests or crumble.

Thats about it. Buildings should be where small units of archers park themselves to shoot out of. A few units can assault it, but without some killing power you are not going to drive anyone out of a building.

Until next time...


Blogger clive henrick said...

I thought there is a rule states that the assualting unit gets no bonus for weapons in the attack. So Ogres with GW are no better than Ogres with Clubs when assaulting.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

They get no charging bonuses.

Since the only charging bonuses for weapons are if your mounted, this really has no effect.

You will attack in initiative order, chargers do not swing first.
Thats about it.

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the new bulding rules I think they are a lot easlier to use that 6th edition.

Thanks for the recap.

Andy H.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if scouting into buildings is allowed. Would make sense logically, but since you can shoot at units in buildings it is assumed they would be in line of sight for deployment.


8:33 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Brett, you are correct. There is even a rule that says, if you are in a building, you can be seen. So unless the building is out of Line of sight.

Buildings also block LoS, so if the building is wide enough, you could scout behind it. Just not in it.

8:51 AM  

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