Painting my Furies: Part 2
At this point I have a pretty good feel for how the models will look when they are completed. So now it is a lot of small steps to get them finished.
Next step was to go ahead and do the flesh color.
I used reapers flesh, straight out of the bottle and cover about 80% of the areas of tan besides the wing spines.
I also dot the eyes. With that I use a .01 micropen, black. Just a small dot in the middle of each eye looks best. My pen is either drying out or running out, so they are more grey than black, but still look ok.
The next step is to start finishing up. So I finish painting the bases.
I used the same dark red, watered down again. I do all the sand and around the edges again.
I then used basic grey, craft paint, and hit all the rocks on the bases. Including the big rock.
I then took Reaper red and straight out of the bottle, put a line of it on any tongues sticking out and on the raised area of any dark red clothes.
The next step is more highlighting and shading.
I took the Reaper flesh wash, which is a lot more brown than the GW one, and went over each model. Any color that didn't look right, got a dab. Any missed spots, any time 2 colors came together, hit the crevises. I used my finest brush, and just cleaned up the model whereever it needed it.
I also did a bit of drybrush white, craft paint, on the big rock.
I then took some very dark grey and hit the recessed areas of the big rock to give it a bit more depth.
I then went over every model, up close and then setting it on the table with light on it and off of it. Looking for anything that just didn't look right.
If I found something, I'd fix whatever it was right then. I found a couple of spots I missed in highlighting, and a couple wings where they just didn't look crisp.
And finally the last step, was to flock each model with some green grass to break up all the red and brown.
Then take them out to the garage and give them a nice coat of Chrystal Clear Satin finish from Krylon.
There is the finished product. Let me know what you think.
Until next time...
more later
Very very cool, the basing looks nice. I need to get my skellies based so they look a little more "real" or "there". I like the simple brown colors and how they work together to make a cohesive creepy creature.
Thanks. I'm really glad you like them. I am loving the way this army is coming together.
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