Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Another show come and gone. And another great episode.
This one was mostly about Claire meeting her mother and Peter trying to learn to control his multitude of powers.

The invisible man just throws Peter off the 20 story building. OUCH!! While he didn't remember how to fly, he luckily remembered how to regenerate.

Claire's mother is of course the fire-starter. And her father. Oh yea, he we come full circle, Nathan Petrelli. Peter's brother. So when Peter saved the Cheerleader, he was really saving his niece.

Sylar escaped from his prison and locked HRG (horned rimmed glasses) in the cell and went to his house. There he waited for Claire who was luckily out of town to see her mother.
Then right before Sylar decides to kill Claire's step mom, HRG busts in shooting with the Haitian. But Sylar gets away. And memory wipe time again.

And Nikki was trying to work with a shrink to control Jessica. But I think the Shrink was just there to see what Jessica was capable of and was working for Linderman. When Jessica broke free and almost killed the shrink, Linderman got all charges against Nikki dropped. This is some powerful guy. And someone we still know nothing about.

Hiro had his toughest test to date as he had to face his father and let him know he had a destiny that did not involve taking over the family business. His father, Sulu from Star Trek, had to do all his lines in Japanese, which was totally excellent. I loved it. In the end, his father conceded and Hiro was free to pursue his destiny.

And while the Cheerleader has been saved, Isaac is still painting the future with New York laying in rubble.

Overall a really, really good show. The next few weeks promise to be outstanding.

Until next time...


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