Monday, February 05, 2007

Army update

I have been pretty diligent working on my army. But I'm afraid I'm starting to fall behind. I did get started on the Furies/cloudrunners on Feb 1st and was only planning on 3-4 days of painting, but it has already been 4 days and I am no where near to finished with them.

I did finally settle on a painting scheme for them, that is starting to really look good but it is going very slowly. So much detail work. I'm hoping to be done in 2 more days. So 6 days total painting time. Since I didn't paint Friday night at all, and only about an hour on Sunday, thats not too bad.

But Saturday after I got tired of painting, I went back to my other finished minatures and started doing some serious flocking. Now everything that is finished painting is now flocked as well. I also managed to clear coat several Rat Ogres and all my hounds.
Then I ran out of clear coat.

Also got my Chariots rebased so they are much sturdier, but then primed them before I put the sand on them. So I have to go back and do that. And started on movement trays for the hounds.

All in all not a bad weekend. I wish I could have gotten the Furies done, but with helping my son move and the Super bowl on Sunday, I'm not feeling too bad.

I have step by step pics of the furies up to where I'm at. I'll try to keep doing them until the end, then post them up.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Step by step pictures....Ben, you are my hero, and not just because of the fantastic name you were gifted with.

11:13 AM  

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