Monday, January 29, 2007

The Dresden Files

I watched the 2nd episode last night and I have to say I liked this one a lot more, for several reasons.

1. The writing seemed to be very sound. I didn't see any real loopholes in the plot like there were in the 1st one.

The bad guy knew what he wanted, he got it.
Then when Dresden figured it out, he jumped to the cop and shot Dresden.

His plan was to jump into the Las Vegas Tycoon until Dresden convinced him he could cause him serious pain no matter where he was at.

2. Dresden actually used a bit of offensive magic with the vodoo doll. Of course this is black magic which he isn't supposed to use, but I thought it was cool.

3. The defensive magic actually worked as his bracelet took 2 bullets for him.

4. It was a bit of a mystery until they showed the Autopsy photos. As soon as they did, I figured out what was going on as did Dresden. But it was a pretty good mystery right up until then.

Overall, I give this one an A-. It could have been better, but not a lot. He was risking a lot on the bad guy believing he could cause him pain no matter where he was.

Of course if I was the bad guy in the cop body, I would have taken a swat team to the warehouse to get Dresden with orders to shoot to kill. But hey, I'm hopefully a bit smarter than the local Jail thug.

Until later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping to pick up episodes that I missed (such as this one) on the Sci-fi website, but it does not look like they are showing it, only the initial episode...other methods will have to be considered and implemented.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, I liked this one better than the first even though it still suffered a bit from a lack of creativity on the writers part that usually shows through in convenient plot points.

For instance, how often do you ever hear of someone cutting their hand on a doorknob? And then later he needs some of that persons blood to make a voodoo doll. Hmmm I say.

And what the heck was that broken tablet doing in police custody if the case was closed? Shouldn't it have been returned to the owner? Another convenient plot point that will help show how desperate he is to help his friend by falsifying a document requesting it.

Like I said, I think it is OK so far, but I can only accept so many plot holes before bailing on a turkey.

Also, did you notice Nicholas Cage is one of the executive producers? Wonder if it the actor?


9:32 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I didn't even think about the blood one. That was silly. She could have cut her hand lots of ways. Or Dresden could have gone to her apartment and gotten some hair? How tough was that.

Did not notice Cage is a producer. I like him as an actor.

Still a good series, but I'm really starting to think the writers need to be infused with a bit more creative youth.

6:21 AM  

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