Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Things I could have done differently

I've been thinking about my game verse Skaven and some of the things I did wrong in the battle, and how could I do them differently.

1. Knowing my objective was to go after his general and knowing his general was the killing machine, I had to send Ratspawn and his unit that way. I didn't do it. I sent it to the opposite field and it cost me.

2. When the Clanrats overran into the unit of 4 Rat Ogres. On my turn I had the option of charging the Beastherd into the globadiers or into the clanrats. I chose the 2 globadiers, killed them and eventually made it down the jezzails and killed them. I think it was probably more important to hit the clanrats in the flank. With the extra 2-3 combat res I pick up there, we should break that unit and be ready to face the storm vermin.

3. Instead of trying to manuever both Ratspawn and the chariot to charge the SV, I should have just set up Ratspawn to charge and turned the chariot around to face the clanrats who's back was to us, or who were off the table. When they came back on, I could charge them easily and probably break them.
When I did move them, if I moved them another inch sideways I'm out of his charge arc and nothing he can do to stop a turn 6 charge with the chariot.

4. Instead of charging the Monks, I should have sacrificed a unit, probably my furies, to force his monks into a bad charge that would force his flank to be hung out. I could then hit the flank with RatOgres and hounds to break the ranks, and keep his champion and plague priest out of the combat.

I think if I had done any of these 4 things, the game is a draw and not a loss. (Though #1 depends on if I could have actually killed his warlord before the warlord killed Ratspawn.) And if I had done 2 of these, I think I could have won the game, even without killing his warlord.

I hope you got something out of this. Losses can be tough to take, but if you learn from them and bring it to the next battle, it helps in the long run.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The after battle evaluation does seem to give you a better chance of learning than just blaming a loss on his hot dice.

I'm still working on how to judge the worthiness of sacrificing a unit to exploit a flank. My carrion are obviously intended to be used for this, but I hate throwing away a 100 pts of flyers and then not stomp all over my enemy.

Still alot to learn

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that is one of the more difficult things about certain armies...dwarfs, elves, etc. they have no true expendable units. there is a certain advantage to being able to force someone's hand with a crappy unit.

i like the mawl a lot due to the variation on the game. the resources and now the objectives give a new spin to an old game. it isnt just a 'kill the other army' game. you can have a huge points swing with the objectives that may overcome a potential loss.

12:53 PM  

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