Monday, January 22, 2007

BR: Skaven vs Beasts Summary wrapup

I know most people want to win their games as do I. But a loss can be a good thing if we examine the things we did wrong and try to learn from them.

So even those this was a draw game, it was a lose in league terms and there was still plenty of things to learn from.

1. I had gotten in the habit of pushing this army forward and winning. This game was a real eye opener. The Skaven horde did better than I thought it would.

2. If the Minotaurs hit a ranked up unit head on, they need a bit of help.

3. I need to use my speed more to gang up on units and defeat them. I've fallen into a habit of sending 1 unit to deal with enemy units.

4. Chariots!! This is my first army with chariots in it, and I'm still struggling to use them properly. they don't move fast enough to stay up with the army and I'm not coming into support my units in combat properly. And if I'm lining them up to charge a unit, keep them out of the units charge range.

5. OBJECTIVE: If the game has an objective besides beating up on the enemy, I have got to a do a better job of keeping my eye on the ball, and not lose site of it.

6. This army still needs my doombulls LD to keep the army together. Ecspecially the herds. Otherwise they don't do what I want them to. I let my Doombull get too far away from the herds, so they failed their restraint roll and got them too close to the PCB's.

7. My big Doombull unit still has a tough time with the huge static combat res unit alone. It needs a bit of support.

Well, I'm still happy with the army, but I know I need to be more careful with it.

So until later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the chariot not charge the stormvermin along with the general and his boys? You state you were planning to do that on the previous turn, sent the chariot elsewhere for no apparent reason. That chariot move (not killing one unit, losing chariot) looked like the decisive mistake to me.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

It was my plan, but when he backed his storm vermin up, there was no way I could get both in.

The Wall on one side and the lake on the other, made the dual charge impossible.

If I charged with both, Ratspawn and company would have gotten stuck in the water, and not been able to make the charge. By going around the water, it prevented the chariot from getting in.

It was a crucial part of the game.

When I turned the chariot around to go after the clanrat unit with only 1 rank left, that was fine. I just moved it too close. Had I been an inch back, or moved it more to their flank, they would have had to take the chariot charge, and I probably win that combat and break them.

But losing the chariot didn't cost me the game, it just made it more decisive. If the chariot breaks the clanrats as the plan went, it would have led to a draw.

As it turned out, if I had done the combo charge, broken them easily. I would have been well off in the corner, and out of the way. It would have still been a loss. As the +85 for the chariot and even +100 for the BSB breaking the unit the turn I kill it. Would still given him a 365 point win.

But would have been much closer.

I hope that helps.

1:32 PM  

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