Friday, January 26, 2007

BR: Dwarfs vs Chaos Beasts part 1

I played my 4th League game this last Sunday. It was against another Dwarf player and a very good player. He came in 4th least year in our league after losing to me in the consolation round. He played Sylvania last year and he is even better with his Dwarfs.

We were both 2-1 going into this round, so this was a critical game for both of us. Winner takes command of 2nd place and a wild card spot, while the loser would be at 2-2 and being on the outside looking into the playoffs at the half way point.

And unfortunately, he was the home player giving him an extra 50 points. He also used his Lair/Hatchery resource to buy his anvil. The resource allows you to buy a Large Monster for your character at 50 points less than normal. The anvil was counted for the dwarfs, the bell for skaven, and chariots for the Tomb Kings.

So he was really sporting 2350 points to my 2250 points. Ouch!!!

I was hoping for a lot of terrain, but instead we rolled a 1 and so there were only 4 pieces. Rolling on the old Dwarf terrain chart we got:
Tower, woods, scree and mine shaft.

The Tower we ruled was a regular building, you could walk in, and had 3 levels for shooting from.
The mine shaft was 2 small shacks, impassable and a set of stone walls around them. I got to set out first and put the tower in the left middle of the table.
He then placed the woods off to the right side about 6" from the edge.
I then put the shacks and walls in one deployment zone in the middle. And the scree went on the far left side in the middle.

I then used my resource Lay of the Land to always pick deployment zones and took the side with the stone walls.
This left NO terrain in his deployment zone at all.

I had to deploy first and it looked like this:

Starting at the bottom, I had a unit of 3 Rat Ogres.
Then a beast herd of 13 (7 gors, 6 ungors, fc) with my wargor and Lvl 2 shaman.
Chariot and then a spawn.
Next was another unit of 3 Rat Ogres with a unit of 5 hounds/giant rats in from of them.
In the wall we had the 2nd beastherd of 13 (7/6) with Lvl 1 shaman
On the other side was Ratspawn and his body guard with a unit of 6 hounds in front of him.
Another spawn next to the hounds.
Then a unit of 4 Rat Ogres with a unit of hounds/G.Rats in front of them.
Then a chariot, my 5 furies/cloud runners
and finally another unit of 4 Rat Ogres (minotaurs with great weapons).

My list was the usual list I run. Magic items included:
Hell fire sword for Doombull
Chaos armor for wargor
Staff of Darkoth for Lvl 2 shaman
Swapped out 3 dispel scrolls for 3 power stones.

And you can see Greg's bright shining face at the top of the pic.

His deployment was much more hedious and deranged. It looked like:

At the bottom we have a unit of 10 crossbows
In front of them is a unit of Rangers with Great weapons and scouting. But with no place to scout, this is where they went.
Cannon and then Volly gun
Another unit of 10 crossbowmen with the Anvil with Runelord behind that.
Then another hideous Organ gun, then another 10 crossbows.
Up from them in a unit of Ironbreakers with the BSB in them.
Then a unit of 20 slayers. 18 Troll slayers, 2 giant slayers
Finally, in a devious, hideous move, he puts a cannon in the very far corner.
And up from that you can see his hideous belly, which almost rivals my own.

So a wide open board. Hand to hand force verse the typical Dwarf refused flank gunline in it. It was going to be bloody.

We rolled to see who could go first and he won the roll.
In a surprise move, he let the beasts begin their charge across the field of death.

Part 2 coming soon.

Until then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the angle of the picture the table looks hideously long, is it a 6' 8' or something else? Just curious.


1:50 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

No, its a 6x4 foot table. Its just the angle I was taking the pics at.
Since this battle took place, end to end, I couldn't get much closer to get it all in.

Each section of the board is 2x2 foot. You should be able to use that as a guideline.
And helps my opponent guess ranges, remarkably accurate. ;-)

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, you are an evil man; posting the first part of your battle report on Friday and leaving us hanging until Monday. :)

I assume your furies are out on the end because he put the cannon there first?

With you having the first turn, I'm betting on a Ratspawn victory. If the Anvil misfires on turn 1 or 2, I'm really confident you win. I don't see why he let you go first when he has the anvil, 2 cannons and 30 crossbows.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Ben said...


3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the deep deployment and a refused flank, the only thing that was in range was the cannons, I felt that the better course was to wait. The danger of rolling a misfire while trying do hit a long shot that will probably only do slight damage made me allow hime to move first.


3:28 PM  

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