Monday, January 29, 2007

BR: Dwarfs vs Chaos Beasts part 2

The battle lines had been drawn and the war cry was given.

Magic items looked like:
Doombull, Hellfire sword
Wargor: Chaos armor
Bray Shaman: Staff of Darkoth, power stone
Bray shaman Lvl 1: 2x power stones

RuneLord: Runic Armor of Preservation (immune to poison, killing blow) Rune of Stone, +1 armor save, Runic Talixman 3x Rune of spellbreaking.

Thane: BSB with Master rune of Gromril 1+ armor save,
Rune weapon w/swiftness, & fury.
Rune of battle on standard. (this was allowed due to a League resource he had).

Iron breakers had rune to make immune to fear and terror.
Cannons had rune of forging. one had burning as well.

Turn 1a: Ratspawn bellows out the command and the entire line lurches forward.
Magic is completely shut down with his 7 dispel dice and 3 scrolls. I don't get a single spell off and never IF or Miscast. So I'll not bother to mention magic the rest of the game.

Here is the situation at the end of my turn.

On turn 1b: His dwarfs don't move up much except for the Rangers to move behind the woods.
In his shooting he took out 5 of my hounds in the unit of 6. Killed off 1 and 2 in the other units of hounds.
One of his Organ guns kills 7 out of my beastherd in the middle. And a wound is done to my spawn in the middle.
Then his Anvil goes. Wrack and Ruin on my furies up in the Scree. 4 hits, and 3 wounds. I fail to save any. So down to 2 and they cannot fly next turn.

** I forgot to take a picture here. **

Turn 2a: Everything surges forward again except for Ratspwan and company. The cannon in the far corner is really starting to bother me now.
I set up several charges and a couple minor traps in case he charges.

Here is the scene at the beginning of his turn 2:

No charges, though he does move his Slayers up and offers their flank to my hounds.
In shooting, he gets a long cannon shot into Ratspawns unit anyway killing one Rat Ogre.
The 2nd cannon shot and took out the chariot on my left flank.
His crossbowmen shoot at the unit of 4 hounds and kill 2. They panic and rush across the board towards Ratspawn.
His Organ gun shoots into the herd in the woods and kills 6. But they make their panic test. Whew, I need to keep them closer to ratspawn.
Anvil does Wrack and ruin on the furies again. This time no wounds but they cannot fly again.

*** Again forgot to take a pic at beginning of turn. Did take one after movement.**

Turn 3a: Charges: On right flank 3 Rat Ogres/Minotaurs into front of Ranger unit.
Herd into ranger unit. 3 Rat Ogres into flank of ranger unit.
On left flank 4 Rat Ogres into front of slayers. He was surprised I didn't charge hounds into the flank. That would have been bad, IMO.
I charged furies into cannon but with no fly, they were 9" out and so failed charge.

For rallies, the hounds failed and the nearest edge was his board edge. So they fled and stopped right in front of the Organ gun. Not bad. The other hound moved up and tried to block the Organ guns line of sight.

Luckily the spawn moved up 8" and out of the way of the rat Ogres hitting the rangers flank. Everyone else moved up.

Here is a pic after the movement:

In combat the unit of 4 wiped out 5 slayers including the 2 giant slayers. So I'm feeling ok with that combat.
In the Ranger combat, my first roll I do really bad. Only 3 hits out of 9 attacks. Instead of sticking with that, I used my League resource that gives me 1 free re-roll per game. I used it and got 4 hits.
In the end, I killed off 9 Rangers and took 1 wound in return. With 2 units I outnumbered with fear causers and he broke and ran. I easily caught him with the Rat Ogre units. One hits the crossbowmen and the other hits the cannon after everything made its panic tests.

Here was the scene going into turn 3b:

Turn 3b: No movement on his part.

In shooting his organ gun knocks my herd in the middle down to only 3 plus the shaman.
His cannon tries a grapeshot at my furies and does no wounds. Prepares for the charge.
His 2nd Organ gun swivels and shoots my herd on the right flank. 8 hits, and knocks them down to 3, they panic and off the board they go dragging my shaman and wargor with them. Ugghhh!!
Crossbows shoot and kill the spawn in the middle.
Anvil does wrack and ruin on my chariot. It does 1 wound, but more importantly knocks its speed in half to prevent it from charging next turn.

In combat, The Rat ogres wipe out the cannon crew.
The Rat Ogres kill 5 of the crossbowmen who flee and are pursued off the table.
both the crossbows and organ gun make their panic tests.
In the slayer combat with 10 attacks he does 3 wounds and I'm down to 9 attacks. With them I do only 2 wounds??? He wins combat by 4 and I break.
Not wanting to leave the Iron breakers unsupported he restrains pursuit.

Here is the situation I'm looking at when I begin my turn 4:

The battle is still in the balance and plenty more blood is yet to be spilled. Stay tuned for part III coming soon.

Until then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still betting on a Rat victory. Losing the two characters hurts, but I think you can get two rat ogre units positioned to charge the Anvil on turn 5 and that probably wins. However, his Ironbreakers might be able to kill Ratspawn with an Anvil charge, the distance looks close.

Did you consider having your minotaurs decide to not use their great weapons? Either against the slayers for the second round advantage or against the artillery in the hopes of not killing them all and thus being able to pursue?

11:34 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

The cannon was such that an overrun wouldn't hit anyone, so I thought it better to kill them all.

AS for the slayers, I never considered it. Look at the numbers:
I charge in, 12 attacks, 6 hits, 3 wounds. (say I kill both giant slayers, iffy).
He still gets 4 attacks back, 2 hit, 1 wound. + 4 for ranks and outnumber and I lose combat in round 1.

And it never gets any better. No, I think great weapons is the way to go. It was really bad dice rolling that got me. Him doing 3 wounds was above avg. Me doing 2 wounds, was well below avg. Should have been 4.

But I'll need to keep in mind to use the hand weapons verse warmachines in the future I like that tactic.

11:48 AM  

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