Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A quick look at the Dwarf Anvil of DOOM

Just thought I might share a few thoughts on the Dwarfs latest new toy, the Dwarf Anvil of Doom.

This is one nasty piece of hardware and so when you see it across from you on the table, you need to know what you are facing. It is much different than the 6th ed version.

A few basics on the Anvil first.
1. The user will be a Runelord and the general of the Dwarf Army.
2. He will come with 2 Iron breakers for guards.
3. The lord and guards are totally unbreakable. To get points for it, you must kill the Runelord and both guards or have the anvil blow itself up.
4. Cost for this little beauty will depend on the runes sported by the Runelord, but estimate between 400 and 450. With the +100 for the generals bonus, it is worth over 500 vp.
5. Unlike normal warmachines, you do not randomize hits between the anvil and the crew as the anvil is totally indestructable. Instead randomize all hits between the crew and lord. And they receive a 4+ ward save from shooting.
6. The anvil powers are not magic and as such, cannot be dispelled or stopped in any manner other than destroying the anvil or at least tie it up in combat.
7. It generates an extra dispel dice, so with the runelord, he has 7 dispel dice base. Ouch.

Next, what can it do:
1. It has 3 notes and each has 2 options when using it. The normal note or the ancient power note.
2. To use any normal note, you need to roll a 2+ on a d6 for it to work. A 1 is a misfire.
3. To use any ancient power note, you need to roll a 4+ on a d6 for it to work. A 1-3 is a misfire. Rarely will a player use an ancient note unless it is do or die time.
4. First note is of Oath & Honour. Any non-gyrocoptor unit that did not just rally, may move/march or charge. The ancient power allows a d3 units to do this. This can be very powerful as it allows a unit to move up into your flank and then charge in. It also gives Dwarfs a 12" charge range. And it makes miners down right nasty.

5. The 2nd note is of Hearth and Hold. For 1 full turn, All Dwarf units may re-roll all fear and terror tests. The ancient power allows them to do panic and break tests as well. I've never seen this power used. The others are better.

6. Rune of Wrath and Ruin. One unit on the table suffers D6 S4 hits. Any flyers cannot fly next turn and any other units halve their movement for next turn.
The Ancient power allows it to be done to D3 units. This is the one you will see most often early on. Oath and honour, later. The wounds are nice but slowing units down is just fantastic. Ecspecially when combined with a gun line.
7. If it misfires, its misfire chart is pretty standard. 4-6 nothing. 2-3 nothing this turn and may not be struck next turn. 1. You win the game as he just gave you 500+ victory points.

How to beat it:
The Anvil of Doom is certainly a tough nut to crack. Since its not large, it can target any units anywhere on the board and is totally unbreakable, there is no reason not to put it behind other units as far back on the board as possible.
1. So unless you have a 36" range weapon and a hill you probably cannot shoot it.
And even then with the 4+ ward save, it will be tough. Jezzails and no armor save template weapons might be the best options. Cannons, Halfling hotpots, etc..
2. Tieing it up in combat seems to be the most affective way to handle it, but that means you probably had to already go through 2-3 units to get to the anvil. But if you can hit it with a ranked unit, it is stuck for the rest of the game. He only gets 4 attacks and with a US of 3. You will never lose combat.
3. To get full points for the anvil and runelord, you must kill both guards and the runelord. You never get half points for the anvil. All or nothing. So barring a self-destruct button, you must kill them.
4. In combat they lose the 4+ ward, but the runelord will probably have a 2+ armor that becomes 1+ in hand to hand. And the Guards have a 3+ armor that becomes 2+. And since they have such a small frontage, 60 mm total, it is tough to bring enough attacks to bear to get through to them.
5. A Daemon Prince with blade of ether is probably your best option, but since he will be Wracked and Ruined every turn, you will not be able to fly with him.
6. Chariots smashing into them might work, but getting there is the problem.
7. Etherial troops would tie them up for the rest of the game, but again getting them there.
8. Unbreakable units, such as summoned bat swarms, might tie them up for several turns until you can get something else in there.
9. Ambushing herds would get no ranks, but with US and banner and musician, they probably win every round. But will probably not be able to ever kill them.
10. Minotaurs with great weapons, have a good chance to get through their armor, but no guarantees. To kill the runelord, you would need an average of 18 attacks to do the 3 wounds necessary to kill the runelord. And then another 8 attacks to kill the 2 guards. Getting in 26 attacks is a bunch, because after the first turn your probably not getting all your attacks due to him losing a guard or 2, so you are stuck with 1-2 guys fighting the runelord.

So in the end, its a fairly protected risky unit. While most of us will remember the games where it was used for 5 runes and 1 ancient power and no misfires in the game. The Dwarf player will remember the times the anvil blew itself up on turn 1 and nver heard from again.

So at least you have a better understanding of what it can do.

Good luck.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two slight corrections, the runelord doesn't have to be the General, his leadership is 9.

On the unit strength, it is a 5 at all times.


10:54 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

You are correct Greg. You know Anvils better than me. I should have said this would be the only Lord character in less than 3000 point games.

You could still take a Ld 9 Thane as the general.

5:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Demon Prince cannot be hit by the avnil because it is a character

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah ha! I'm glad I didn't get the anvil for the wife for Valentine's Day...she just wants to slaughter my shatterriffic skeletons with it...

8:39 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I don't recall anything about characters not being able to be targeted. Greg can you perhaps expand on this?
Its a unit like any other. Now if its in a unit you cannot target him, but the unit would still be affected.

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, you recall poorly. :)
Independent characters (unless Large) are explicitly untargettable by the Anvil.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Thanks David. Well then, the DP with blade of Ether is the way to go to stop this thing.
He flies in, wipes out the crew in the first round of combat and the Runelord in the 2nd.

Thanks for that clarification. I missed that completely.

6:48 PM  

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