Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wild Dreams

In my youth I had many very wild, very vivid dreams. Some of them still stick with me today. But last night I had a very weird dream that I decided to share.

I had to have a face transplant done. If I didn't I would die. The only donor was a young black female and the doctors working on me were from the TV shows of ER and Grey's Anatomy. Very strange.

But while they were operating on me, I was able to Astraly Project myself and travel.
I was at a hotel where a party was being held and ran into Paris Hilton. She cried on my shoulder and complained everyone thought she was a slut. I assured her, that it didn't really matter, because she was still Paris Hilton. She perked up and went off into the party.

I lost her in the crowd and eventually I left the party. Outside in the hotel lobby I ran into Brett Amundson. President of our local gaming group the DAWGS. And painter extrodanaire.
In the dream I asked Brett for help as I was about to embark on trying to build my 2 spawn out of a lot of green stuff, Rat Ogre and Tyranid parts. He told me in the dream to give it up and not even try.

That was pretty much the end of the dream and it has me thinking perhaps I shouldn't attempt to try any sculpting work with only 3 weeks to go. That maybe just buying a couple of spawn and painting them is the proper course of action here. The newest spawn I think look awesome, and 2 of them, painted in the same paint scheme as the rest of the army would look pretty cool.

I think the face transplant is me changing my mind on this project or having doubts. Paris I think was a sign saying, no matter what I do, it doesn't really matter, because I'm Ben Burns and I'll do fine whether the spawn look like crap or not.
And Brett was there to say, no matter how good I do them, it wouldn't be as good as he could have done.

So what do you guys think, give it a try, or simply buy 2 spawn. Remember I do only have 3 weeks to go and still have quite a bit of painting to go.

Though I did get the 2nd chariot off to a good start yesterday.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, good dream interpret.
I agree with what you said about not being sure on the right path.

I know personally, I would buy the spawn, but it's becuase I couldn't sculpt to save my life. Given your time constraints it still seems like a good idea to buy the spawn and heavily convert even, compared to start from scratch, hard call though.

"Because I'm Ben Burns.."
That phrase is going to have me laughing all day, thanks Ben

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I think you could do just as good of a job as me. From your dream recap you appear to be as demented as me, so creating a Spawn should be no problem. Gotta love the Spawn.

In the dream however, I was preoccupied with trying to hook up with that slut Paris Hilton and just went for the quick answer to your question. :)


8:40 AM  

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