Monday, February 12, 2007

Weekend Recap

Had a great weekend overall. The only thing that would have made it better was if I had actually got to play some Warhammer. Oh well, that is scheduled for this Friday. So expect a Battle Report next weekend.

I kept working on my chariot. I was supposed to finish yesterday, but too much family stuff got in the way. I did get it to the point where I hope to finish tonight and only be 1 day behind. I fell behind on taking pictures. Its just a stop down to drop everything to get a pic after every change of color. I will have a few pics just not as many as the furies.

I did get my 2 shamans based and primed. I really like my Setrad models basing. He will easily stand out. Now I just need to paint him. I'll try and get a pic of him up soon.

My movies from Netflix didn't show up this weekend. First time they have been this delayed. Anyway, the wife and I have been wanting to get Willow on DVD for some time, so I ran to Best Buy and got it. We watched it Saturday night. Still an Outstanding movie. I really love it.

"I dwell in darkness without you, and it went away?"
One of the best damn lines in a movie, ever.

Also, saw Dresden files and Battlestar Galactica last night. I'm getting more excited with the Dresden files. Every show is better than the previous. Battlestar on the other hand. Not so much.

Well, hope your guys weekend was as good as mine.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willow is a great movie. It has been a long time since I watched it. What is the name that Madmartigan called Willow and/or all of the little people?

I am also getting disapionted in Battlestar Galatcia. It is the only weekly TV show that I watch. So when they have a week off I want some answers told in the next show.


10:14 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I believe the name Peck is what you were looking for.

Your right on Galactica. I am about ready to call it quits. I watch too much TV as it is. Have about 5-6 shows I watch pretty regularly: Heroes, Dresden files, NCIS, Lost and Jericho.
I was watching Battle star pretty regularly, but it may drop off my list. I need to slim it back some anyway. But there are some really good shows that are on right now.

This may be one of the best set of TV shows on in a long, long time.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep "Peck" is the name.

I will keep watching Galactica but I do not like the new time, Sunday at 9:00 pm. Too close to my bed time. ;).


11:13 AM  

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