Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Movie Quote of the Day: 8/29

I hope you enjoy this new topic. The way it works is I come up with some obscure movie quote and you be the first one to guess where it came from. I am thinking of making this a contest. So the person who gets the most correct over a certain period of time, wins a prize.

I haven't worked out all the details but I will. So start playing.

I may not do it every day, but I will try. And no guarantees on when I'll be posting each day, so keep checking back.

Rules of the game. I will post a movie quote, (at least as best I can remember it, no guarantees it is 100% accurate.) You then simply leave a comment telling me which movie it is from and what character or actor said it. I will accept either the characters name, the actors name, or a very close description of the character.
Example in the first one I did already, Ben Miller described him as the 6-fingered Count. This was perfectly acceptable.

If after 1 day no one has guessed correctly I might leave a hint, so check the comments section, don't just assume someone guessed it correctly.

The first person to leave the correct answer as a comment, wins for the day and receives 1 point. I might make extremely old/obscure movies worth more than 1 point.

Score to date:
Ben Miller: 1

Quote of the day (value = 1 pt):
"He died by falling down an elevator shaft and onto some bullets."

Good luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, that would be The Bowler (played by Jeanine Garolfalo) in Mystery Men, describing her father's demise. His head was in her bowling ball. Kewl.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Ding, ding, ding...

We have a winner. Way to go Jim.

I loved that movie. Yea, I know I'm weird. Mystery men was awesome thought.

Coming tomorrow, a movie from 20 years ago. Time to pull out the archives.

2:46 PM  

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