Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Painting Diary

Late last night I finished painting my first centaur. It was one of the Archer models, and I have to say, I think he came out better than I have ever had a model come out before.

I used several new techniques in painting this model including, lining, blending and glazing. All of which I have never attempted on this level before.

I also finally decided on what colors to make the base. I found an online discussion about basing and there was one really interesting comment one guy made. So I used his suggestion and so far it looks pretty good.

Started with the primed white base. I then painted the sides black, and black washed the rocks and sand. I then used a dark green heavy dry brush over the black rocks and sand. Then a medium green, then a light green, then a yellow green. With light and lighter dry brushing. Compared the stark contrast of the black, it definetely looks different.

I then did some last second touch ups, one last layer of glaze on the skin, a bit of wash on the arrows and bow, then down to the garage for the dull cote. I definetely recommend Testor's for this. They have the best dull coat spray there is.
This morning I took a good look at the model and I'm very happy with the outcome.

Tonight I'll put some static grass on it, and get some pics to post tomorrow.

I've decided to enter this model in the Lone Wolfs small model painting competition.
Lone Wolf is only 4 days away and counting. Wish me luck.

Until next time...


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