Friday, February 08, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

I have been just swamped at work and unable to get on here and add much.

I did want to talk about the movie we rented this weekend Stardust.

Guys, go out and rent this movie. Sit down and watch it with your girl. If you don't get lucky, then she really isn't in to you.

It is a great date movie. It has all the love story crap that girls love, while being still a great fantasy movie, with plenty of action. Robert DeNiro is fantastic in his role. As is Michelle Phifer. The main characters also do a very passable job. The best part of the movie is the story itself. The transformation of the characters. The realization how shallow, narrow minded and petty we are.

I went to the movies to see this and as soon as it was available we rented it. I am pretty sure it will end up in our permanent collection.

Again, put this on your Netflix list and set it up for Valentines day.

I also wanted to mention my golf game last Sunday before the Super bowl.
I have recently picked up some new/used clubs and tried them out for the first time. The irons are a set of Ben Hogans and the woods are a set of King Cobras.
Hole 1 I use the 5 wood/iron on the 170 yard hole and land on the green!! Now if that isn't good karma I don't know what is. I had hit it right some, but it hooked slightly left and right on. I 2 putt to get the par.
Hole 2 is about the same length, use the same club and damn if I don't land about 2 feet off the green.

I go on to be only 3 over after 6 holes!! I was on a serious roll getting 4 pars in that stretch. I got a bit tired and came down to Earth for the last 3 to finish at 9 over for the 9 holes. But I am very happy with the new clubs. They worked great. I can't wait to get out and try them again.

Finally politics. I just cannot believe that we haven't even had our primary yet and my top 2 choices have already dropped out of the field. Now it looks like McCain will walk away with the Republican nomination while Hillary and Obama will have to fight all the way to the Democratic convention to get a clear choice there.

McCain really needs to pick a conservative running mate. We will just have to wait and see. But unlike others on the blogosphere, I just cannot vote for Obama or Hillary. Obama is so liberal he makes Ted Kennedy look conservative. Never saw a war he wasn't afraid to run away from. Never saw a tax hike he didn't like and never saw a handout he wasn't willing to give.

And Hillary, just gives me the creeps. You guys think Bush hides things and abuses the Presidential power. OMG!! just wait till Shrillary gets in there. This lady is beyond contempt. If she doesn't have blood on her hands, she is one step from it. Have you ever really read what happened with the Whitewater stuff? She was so much more involved than Billy boy. Half of those people are in prison for a reason. And there are plenty of skeletons, really, not figuratively, to go around.

Vote how you like, but remember we do have young men and women overseas, in foreign countries, fighting for the freedoms and liberties we now so casually observe. Think about what you are doing to them when you vote.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never hurts to be busy, only starts to hurt when you are TOO busy.

It sounds like you are balancing like a champ. Looking out the office window at sleet today makes me long for the greens. I'll have to look into these Ben Hogans.

Just bought Stardust for the wife for Valentine's day gift. Love the part in the movie where they show his hand shaking as he moves up on the witch with the sword. That moment makes the character REAL.

Poltics? Election? All I see is a circus.

12:26 PM  

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