Friday, February 01, 2008

Death Frenzy, the perfect target

The Death Frenzy spell in the Skaven spell list is kind of a 2 edged sword. The last thing you want is for all your skaven slaves or clanrats to go chasing after units just so they can get flanked.

I almost never want slaves to charge. EVER!! Unless it is a flank. I charge, you win, you pursue when I break. You are now lined up to charge my clanrats. Bad move.

So what are good targets for Death Frenzy in the Skaven army.

1. Rat Ogres. Rat Ogres are a good bet because they panic so easily. With no rank bonuses, and only Ld 5. Their handlers are usually killed pretty quick. Extra str 5 hits, are a real bonus and not having to worry about panic is a huge benefit.

2. Weapon Teams. While this may seem like a very strange place to put a frenzy spell, it is actually very good. Since the weapon team has the special ability that they never have to charge even if frenzy, they get to ignore that drawback. They become immune to panic and terror as well. The only drawback is they may not flee a charge.

3. Warp Lightning Cannons. Now these guys may be the perfect target for the Frenzy. Frenzy has 2 main drawbacks. A. You must charge if in range. Since the warp cannon cannot charge ever, then it gets to ignore this drawback. And B. You may not flee a charge. But again the Warp Cannon has a special rule that allows it to flee no matter what, even if it cannot. So in the Warp Lightning Cannon's case, the spell simply becomes an immune to panic and terror tests.

Until next time...


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