Friday, February 22, 2008

BR: Twins of Khorne Vs Righteous Fury Part Deaux

Things were looking good at this point. My general holding after only getting 2 wounds on the champion was huge. 5 attacks, 3+ to hit and 2+ to wound with no save should have been 3 wounds at least. So now I had lost my frenzy.

Turn 4a: The Glorious Twins of Khorne
So we start off by rolling to see if the Monastery runs out and it does. So I had 1 roll on it and it failed.
I then roll to see if my flankers come on and they DO!!! Finally.

The Centigors after going frenzy drunk last turn, roll a '6' again and go frenzy again. They slam into the flank of the knights of the realm fighting my general.

My knights in the middle have to charge something, and the only clear charge is the Grail regalia. Stubborn 8 is nasty, but I figure I can wrack up a bunch of kills.
The marauders charge the trebuchet as well.

My hero rallies. My marauders move to block the BSB unit from charging my knights. The only way it works will be to take the charge which will redirect them behind my unit.

In combat, the trebuchet crew is wiped out. The Centigors and general + knights wipe out the rest of the knights of the realm. This leaves only the regalia combat.

I do all my attacks and with a 6+ armor and 5+ ward vs knights and 5+ armor and 6+ ward vs the chaos steeds, I end up with 6 wounds. He gets his champs attacks back, but only does 1 wound and I save. He has a stubborn 8. If he fails this, the game is over. He passes.

Then in what turns out to be the biggest combat of the game, my Dogs of war cannot kill that last peasent horseman and he makes his break test again!!

Here is the board after my turn 4.

Down to just 3 lances and the regalia, and he can't get to my knights for a couple turns, I'm feeling pretty good. At this point he has only killed about 390 points of troops + the 240 the phoenix killed. I've killed easily more than that and have 2 banners.

Turn 4b: The wicked Brets:
Without a lot left to do the generals unit charges the flank of my Dogs of war. His BSB lance charges the marauder fast cav in front of them. The last lance turns around and moves up several inches.

With no magic or shooting we go straight to hand to hand. His general wipes out both Dogs of war and the unit promptly overruns 4". The BSB knights wipe out the marauders and I needed them to overrun about 10" and they go 7". so they can see the back side of my knights.

In the Regalia combat, I only manage to kill 2!! How the hell does that happen. Hitting on 3+ and wounding on 2+ or 3+, how do I do only 2 kills. I lose combat, but hold. If I break, I'm dead. I lose my frenzy.

Turn 5a: Twins of Khorne: Things are still looking ok. I run my newly arrived knights up did get into charge range. But here I screw up. I should have pushed them the full 14" instead only moving them 7-8", I left Blake an opening.

The smarter move would have been to turn around and run for a corner.
I turn around the rest of my units.

In combat, again I kill 2 monks. He has not done a wound, but I lose by 3. I fail my break test and flee right into the BSB's unit and am wiped out. Here Blake screws up as it would have cost him nothing to pursue and capture the standard, but he doesn't do it.

Turn 5b: With no more threats on this side, he turns both knights to face the lone knight unit and runs that stupid fast cav guy in front of my knights. DOH!!

Turn 6a: The only charge I can make and I'm forced to is at that lone fast cav guy that had made 2 6+ armor saves and failed to break in 4 rounds of combat. As I charge he flees and I'm forced to catch him and move my full 14" coming up 2" short of his general's unit.

I run my marauders in front of the BSB unit, ready to sacrifice them to keep the knights from being flanked. I should have written off the knights and saved the marauders.

I did count up the monks and found out I was 2 away from getting half points for them. So 5 axes into them yields 2 wounds and 140 points.

I move my Centigors down to capture the table quarter with the graveyard.

Turn 6b: Brets last charge.

Generals unit into knights. BSB into marauders. He totally wipes out both units. The last knight with banner by a horse and I roll a '1' for his armor save. UGGHHH!! But he would have still needed insane courage to get stand. And he has the tapestry banner so each banner captured is double points.

We count up the points and its 560 points in his favor. 640 of it in that last turn.
240 for the knights
100 for the marauders
200 for the banner
100 for the table quarter

If I simply turn that unit around and go hide, I have a draw.
If those flankers come on one turn earlier I think I win.
If I kill that dogs of war fast cav, I think its a draw.
If I run my marauders to the flank of the monks and kill 2, I save their 100 points and contest the qtr for 100.

If I had pushed my knights up 14", then there is no way they get out of the charge range of the knights when they are forced to charge. Not sure it helps, but it couldn't have hurt.

Over all, this game could have really gone either way. Blake played a fantastic tactical game and handcuffing myself with a unit and hero going after the phoenix and then flanking the knights was a big mistake. One or the other was probably ok, but not both.

The phoenix should have died, but it wasn't ridiculous. That fast cav guy should have died, and while a bit lucky, was not ridiculous. I had a few lucky rolls as well. Overall, I thought it balanced out.

Well, the 2nd loss pretty much drops me out of the playoffs, barring some total meltdown of a couple players. So now to grab that dragon egg and still be chosen of Khorne!!

Hope you enjoyed it.

Until next time...


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