To Paint or Not To Paint
I face a horrible dilemma. I recently found out the new Hordes of Chaos army book will be out at the end of this year.
I was planning on finishing up my Centaur army, which uses that book, for my army list. My plan was, finish the army by the end of the year, so in 2009 I can run the Twins of Khorne Centaurs in the 2009 GT circuit, while I paint my Wood Elves to be used in 2010.
But with the book being released right at the end of the year, my concern is that my army will no long be valid. That changes to the army could make it obsolete and illegal. I may have to change out arms and weapons, move things around, rebuild the entire army from scratch, if that is even possible.
So my option is, go ahead and buy my wood elf/Native American Indian, Comanche tribe, army, build and paint it for 2009. Then after the book comes out, take a good hard look at my Centaurs for 2010 and what needs to be done.
But the 2nd problem is, the models I have identified for my Comanche army are redoing the horses for the army, as they felt they were too small. And the manufacturer thought they might be ready in March.
So do I push through with the Centaurs and hope for minimal changes in the book when it comes out at the end of the year?? If it isn't usable, I can alway run my Skaven, or even update my Vampire army and run it.
Or do I buy the Comanche's and paint them up for next year. And look at the book when it comes, and then decide how to proceed?
Choices, choices, choices. What shall I do?
Until next time...
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