Thursday, July 03, 2008


With the 4th of July tomorrow, I want to wish all my readers a great Independence Day. And even if your not in the US, look at tomorrow as a day that changed the course of the modern world.

The US has changed history in many ways, and most of them for the good.

The NRCC blog has started a thread on why you are proud of your country. And I thought what a great idea.

I am proud of the United States of America, because at no time in history, has one country, done so much, spent so much and helped so many, for so little.

Name another world power in the history of our world, that would send troops to stamp out oppression, only to turn around and go home and not ask for a dime.

Name another country that has sent so many troops into harms way, to free people of hunger and poverty, to pull them out when the job was done and say, glad we could help. Call on us again if needed.

Name another country who spends SSSOOOOO much money on so many countries, and all we ask is that they don't hate us so much.

We are a proud nation, that puts up with so much BS from flies and pests that we could crush with the flick of our wrists if we wanted to, and yet we do not.

We are a country that gives hope, ideas, prosperity and freedom to more people in the history of the world, than any other country ever sought to do.

That is why I am proud of my country. I've served her, I lover her and I support her and our president.

If you read this, please add a comment on why you are proud of your country.

Have a great holiday weekend. I'll be barbecuing all 3 days of the weekend.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this on the fourth, but didn't get the chance to respond.

I'm proud to live in a nation where though all the people are different, hold different beliefs and values, when we are hurt, we all feel the pain.

I'm proud that though I am not of the courageous stuff it takes to stand on the front lines and defend this country, there are people here that will do so. The best I can do is thank them and do something else that makes their sacrifice worthwhile, like raise my son to appreciate his nation of birth.

7:54 AM  

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