A Long Time Ago...
In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...
Those immortal words, will live forever in the 6 Star Wars movies. The wife and I and son, finished #6 The Return of the Jedi last night.
While there are parts of all 6 that people can complain about, or parts they don't like, it is still the best series of 6 movies ever to be put together.
Lord of the Rings was greatness, but Jackson had some fantastic books to work off of. Star Wars, was just the genius in one man's mind. Genius, just sheer genius.
First time I have ever sat down and watched episode I through episode VI. Found a few inconsistencies. But like I said, who cares.
Loved all 6 and will probably try and make it an annual event. Need to get them all on DVD now.
Fav moment of episode VI? There were many, the banter between Luke and the Emperor is good. Real good. Han Solo in the briefing room, and the apology accepted by Vader after the Captain loses the Falcon.
What are your favorite Star Wars moments?
Until next time...
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