Thursday, October 18, 2007

On TVs and TV Shows

Over the summer I had my older 60" big screen TV go out on me. Just plop, stopped working. So we did some research and I got myself a very nice 52" Wide screen LCD HD TV. Very sweet indeed and I really love the picture I get.

Add this on top of the excellent selection of TV shows that are on the TV over the last couple of years and I watch, WAAAYYYY too much TV.

Some of my top shows of the year:
Heroes: Damn if this isn't the best TV show that has been on, ever. I love the characters, the writers, the acting, the story. Just damn. I love all the powers these guys come up with. I knew Sylar lived at the end of last season when it showed an overhead shot and his body was gone, but they sure brought him back quick. Other than that, what can you complain about.

Chuck is one of my new favs this year. Zachary Levi as Chuck is great. Yvonne Strahovski is so hot it just hurts and Josh as Morgan is hilarious as that weird friend you just can't get rid of. Great crew, great writers. Great chemistry.

Pushing Daisies. This is a very strange new dark comedy that I don't expect to make it more than a year or two. But so far, it is just genius. Check it out.

Sci-Fi never fails to give me some lower tier shows that I enjoy.
Bionic woman: While actually on another network, I watch it on Sci-Fi Friday nights. Its a fun little show that will be canceled. No real chemistry, too much weird stuff going on, but is fun to watch.

Flash Gordon: Love this new little show. Too bad the acting is sub-par and some of the "situations" are a bit silly as well as some responses. Sometimes the scene just changes with no explanation how they got out of the highest security city in the universe, how a total stranger to our world found his son in a few hours, things like that, but oh well. I love the concept, the chemistry is good, with good casting and some of the stories are fun. They need to tighten up the story writing. Hope it makes it another year or 2.

Best TV show I miss that didn't make it back.
Dresden files. Really sad to hear this one wasn't coming back. I really enjoyed it, I thought the writing was top notch, the acting was good, special affects were good and the whole idea excellent.

Well, thats enough TV talk for now. What are some of your fav TV shows?

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only got a 25" 3:4 TV. No Cable. No Dish. Not even a roof antenna.

I only get ABC (WFAA), CBS (KTVT) and KTXA reliably, sometimes PBS (KERA) and assorted high number UHF stations show up.

I watch a lot of CSI :/ it's always on....

There just isn't any "don't miss" TV available with my setup.

A new show called "Moonlighting" seems like a rehash of Buffy/Angel. The chick is blond, the Vamp has dark hair. They solve crimes/investigate badguys/the real cops are clueless.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

OMG, Eric. This is 2007. I use to watch CSI, Law and Order, all that stuff. After 5 years it was really old. After 8 its rediculous. And now after a dozen or so, it makes me want to go kill someone. Namely the creators of the show.

Wife and I talked about watching Moonlighting, as we were both huge Buffy fans, but neither of us Angel (the show) fans. We just didn't sit down to watch it. How come real cops are always clueless on TV? Unless its a cop show, then they solve every case.

You don't get NBC on ch 11? Oh man that just sucks.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I loved Buffy the VS. What a great series. But then again, you got a teenage girl in a mini-skirt doing high kicks on Vampires.

Whats NOT to love about that. ;-)

Sarah is a great actress as well. I love Willow, Oz, Zander, Angel, Spike, Giles, etc... The list goes on.

Next to Heroes, probably my favorite TV series of all time.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am informed by a friend who can actually detect Ch5 that it's Moonlight, not 'moonlighting' [oops] although there was once a show called Moonlighting, which I never saw because it was, ...wait for it..., on Ch5. :(

So far, Moonlight resembles the BVS seasons where Angel was a principle character more than it resembles Angel the Spinoff. There are differences: the girl doesn't kick or wear *mini-skirts, stakes work differently, sunlight only hurts a little, Angellus was a much older vamp, the supernatural daemons/zombies/withcraft angle is toned down a lot. I'm trying to like it, but last episode they did the Vamp-feeds-from-Girl-cause-otherwise-he'll-die schtick.

I've only looked at about the last year's worth of CSI, etc. Good to know about the eventual burnout.

*To me Spanish language TV seems to be the last refuge of the mini-skirt along with its friend the go-go boot although I've heard of something called MTV...

9:06 AM  

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