Monday, February 26, 2007

Heroes are done

I got my 3 hero models finished Saturday before my game. I was pretty pleased with the way they came out.

I'll start off with my least favorite, Bray Shamen: Harbringer Sutenrot.

** Remember click on the picture to enlarge it. **

And here is a shot from behind:

The model isn't bad, but I think I've done better.

Now we move on to my Wargor: Master Moulder Grubslob

And here is a shot from behind:

I like this model a lot. First the miniatur looks great. It allows for some real creative choices. I added a banner onto his personal standard to make him a little bit more unique. The banner was all done freehand with a brush. I think it came out pretty nice. I may have a few last minute touchups to do on him.

And finally without further ado. I bring you my last bray shaman. This is the creator of Ratspawn, my namesake and biographer of his adventures.
Master Harbringer of Mutations: Setrad

And a shot from behind:

I really liked the way Setrad came out. I love the way the colors flowed, and the detail in the book came out nice. It helps that the miniature is one of the best Skaven models GW has ever put out.

And a final pic of all 3.

I hope you enjoyed them. They were a ton of fun to paint. And I am so looking forward to seeing them on the table.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really a excelent painting, but still too skavenous to be beastmen.
Could use them as clan Moulder's Heroes and would do better...
Maybe you could get a better beastman effect with no rat tails, no frontal teeths and putting horns on their heads, just an idea...

Always is nice to see your models =)

Jurasico (a.k.a. Warlord Skeeken)

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice Ben, especially the skull with skin on it with the standard. Very cool.

I don't understand how the army using X rules modeled to look like Y works with the rules for judging.

Of course, I really don't know how everything works in the GT's anyway.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Basically its a Proxy army.
I love my Vermin Lord model. But can't use it.
I love Rat Ogre models, but can't use them because they suck.

This started the whole project. No one I have played has ever had any issues about oh, those aren't Rat Ogres? Or Oh, thats not really a skaven warlock.

Its pretty easy to tell what army it is when it hits the table. I just think Rat Ogres look much better than GW's Minotaurs. And the Vermin Lord is way too excellent to sit on a shelf and never be used.

12:24 PM  

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