Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Time to stop the Insanity!!

Today's post is about stopping the insanity that is running rampant. I have been a part of it and the whole RAW is crap initiative. Rules need to have a bit of reasoning to them.

I know, I have been faning the flames and here is why. Many people didn't believe there was a problem. I had to fan up the flames so badly before a lot of people came to realize there is a problem. And common sense needs to step in and start to help out.

Now that I have convinced the Direwolf FAQ reps that there is a problem, hopefully we will get a letter together to send to Gav and the GW staff of problems we would like to see resolved.

Here are but a few, please feel free to comment on other rediculous rulings you'd like to see corrected.

1. Killing your own troops helps you. IMO, whether it is a censor killing clanrats to help your combat res, or having a giant fall on a unit of goblins to help out, this is just plane silly.
S: Any wounds caused by your own troops in hand to hand are simply not counted.

2. Jezzails and Weapon teams are not allowed in buildings now because they have the rule, treat them as cavalry.
S: Clarify some of the building rules, and count people on 2 feet as infantry.

3. Are character monsters, monsters and can they be affected by specific spells. And if so, which ones are they?
S: Clarify exactly what is classified as a monster for spell and item affects.

4. Are steam tanks affected by things like Mistress of the Marsh?
S: Clarify their ruling that Stanks are immune to non-strength spells/weapons a lot.

5. Are Clanrats really immune to further panic checks that phase if they "auto-pass" one from a slave unit causing it.
S: If you don't have to actually roll dice, you didn't really pass a panic test.

So let me hear a few more.


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