Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Skaven Vs Wood Elves BR Wrapup

I've been trying to examine this battle and how I might come up with some new angle that would have helped me in my battle. A few things came to mind.

1. Whenever a "good" opponent offers you his flank, there is a reason why. Step back and think about it for a minute.

2. If I had run a unit into the building, he could not have assaulted it, as he was too large. Max is US 30.

3. Wild Riders are nasty. Devote 2 units to killing them. Don't expect a single unit on its own to be able to handle them.

4. Huge blocks that cause fear and are stubborn are just nasty and need to avoided at all costs. Same would apply to really large undead blocks.

Well, thats it for now. Round 3 coming soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate the note for undead armies...I am beginning to form a list of med to large size infantry blocks, I think with the proper size and assistance I might be able to maul some opponents with it...just have to fine tune the size where it looks killable to an opponent but isn't as easy as they think....

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you can assault the building with any size force...you can only occupy it if you are US 30 or less. If the big unit defeats you, you leave the building, but he can't occupy it...or pursue you, either!

10:33 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I'll check up on that, but I was thinking you had to be max US 30 for either occupying or assaulting.

Ben, things like the blood line power for +1 combat res. a BSB, maybe with warbanner and you can have a unit with +8 going into combat. +5 even if hit on the flank.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Rick, you are correct, any size infantry can assault. But if they win they cannot occupy the building if they do not fit.

And occupying the building is what is considered for pursuing to pick up standards. So a large unit that pushes a unit out of the building, cannot pursue, cannot pick up banners and is basically stuck there facing the building.

6:35 PM  

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