Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Fall Finale: Heroes

The fall final show for Heroes was last night and it did not dissapoint. There were so many cool things that happened it is tough to describe them all.

Just wanted to point out the highlights for me. Feel free to point out the points that you liked best.

1. The audio feedback when the cop tried to mind read Peter and Peter then picks up his ability and they are reading each others minds. I loved the feedback squelch like two microphones feeding off each other. Awesome.

2. DL putting his hand through the door. That was just great.

3. The bullet shot going through DL's head. Wow!!

4. Peter's dream at the end. Looks like he will get near the nuke man and maybe cannot control it.

5. Isaac getting his power to work without Heroine. And then drawing Hiro with a sword facing a dinosaur.

6. Hiro's friend saying: "Who's calling?" Hiro: "Destiny". His friend: "I wish Destiny would lose our number."

7. Claire learning everyone who knows about her power is having their memories erased.

8. And while I didn't like it. Eden trying to get Sylar to kill himself and it backfired, and then her killing herself to prevent Sylar from getting her ability.

What were your favorite parts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did eden kill herself to prevent sylar from gaining her ability, or did he gain her ability and use it to force her to kill herself as a poetic jest? Thats how i took it, but i never considered your PoV.

Ben N

9:09 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I think he has to disect their brain to absorb their ability. And I think he had a shocked look on his face when she turned the gun on her face. I don't think he was expecting it.

Plus, he did not use the "controlling" voice.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts:

1. Hiro's comment "I need to find that sword" was priceless! He's my favorite character on the show.

2. I think eden killed herself

3. If Sylar could break out of his cell that easily, shouldn't he have done it earlier? He was pretty peeved when he was questioned by Claire's dad.

4. I'm curious what powers Micah has, being the progeny of two folks that do have powers... (I'm sure we'll see this by the end of the season).

5. Good plot twist at the end with the memory erasing. Made you think twice about who is working for who.

6. I didn't really understand why Peter has his dream in the first place...I missed a couple early episodes, so maybe I'm missing something there.

I'm looking forward to the next set of episodes in January!

10:44 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Did you miss when Micah manipulated the broken payphone.

I think its a technology related power. Did you ever see that show Sky High with Kurt Russel? Thats what the villain in that show had.

Their whole destiny is to stop the nuke bomb from going off in NY. I think Peter's dream showed him that he might be that bomb.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the whole stopping the bomb as the goal of the Heroes. What I did not understand was why Peter dropped to the ground and "dreamed" in the first place. Is it normal for him to spontaneously have a dream like that?

And yes, I missed Micah's phone manipulation. Sounds cool.


11:50 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

No, that was his first "dream" sequence as far as I know. I'm not sure why he got sick either. Maybe overload on the whole absorbing powers thing.

Either way I am going to be dieing until Jan 22nd.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SKYLAR couldn't break out before due to the haitian draining his power. but the haitian was out wiping minds.


6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the Haitian was not there (or even nearby) when Claire's Dad was provoking Sylar earlier on. I don't know the range of powers, but it's a minor logical flaw in the grander scheme of things.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

There were perhaps a couple of possibilities.
1. He was still weakened and therefore not a threat at the time. But was over it by the time Eden was there.

2. There was some sort of electrical/ magnetic, etc.. field that dampened powers there. Eden turned it off before she went in so she could use her power. Of course they never showed her doing this.

3. They thought the construction would stop his power, but it didn't really work. But Sylar figured if he broke out earlier he would get recaptured. But when Eden started to use her power he figured it was then or never.

4. The fear of her telling him to kill himself, adrenaline rush, pumps up his power to overcome whatever dampening field they had.

5. Perhaps Sylar gets stronger when he is around other mutants. Feeds off their power.

Just a few possibilities. Hopefully they'll explain it in the upcoming episode. Jan 22nd. :(

8:29 AM  

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