Tuesday, December 05, 2006

BR Summary Skaven Vs Orcs & Goblins

In round 3 of the Alamo GT I got a chance to square off against the new Orc & Goblin army list. Luckily I had gotten a chance to read the new army book on the drive down. There are some very nice combo's but overall I still see the O&G list as too unreliable to be a winning GT army unless you are just extremely lucky throughout.

We lined up to play and I got choice of sides. His side had a nice building for my Jezzails to hide in, so I took that side. Oh whoa is me, for what I didn't realize is that there was no, zero, natta as far as air circulation went. It was hot. Plain and simple. I was miserable through the entire battle and after the loss the previous round I just wanted to get it over with.

So unfortunately I have no pics and very little recognition of this game.
I do remember my opponent, Clay Beiter, was an excellent sport and I gave him my favorite player vote.

Here were some highlights.
1. Spiders run up on the hill on turn 2.
On my turn 2, I charge spider riders with slaves. He holds, I do a wound. Spiders do 2 back, I win by 3, he breaks and runs, going through a huge goblin unit that fails its panic test and both run right into the waiting arms of my tunnel runners.

2. A pack of 10 squig hoppers was super scary. Lucky for me when he had them charge a unit he rolled a little on the low side so only 2-3 actually could make it. The rest ranked up behind and so he got very few attacks, I won combat and chased them off the board.

3. Giant getting pick up and eat when in base to base with your general, is just well, squishy.

4. A unit of Jezzails in a building with line of sight to a big unit of boar boyz, just means dead boar boyz.

5. I love the new rule that allow you to stop on a fanatic and kill them. So slaves and night runners play a huge service in this regards.

6. Poison weapon wielding tunnel runners into the flank of a Orc chariot, meant 1 breaking chariot that was fleeing directly through one of his units and into a pond. Impact hits on his guys, oh he didn't know that, or care for it. And damage to his chariot going through the difficult terrain. Ouch. Same tunnel runners that cut down all those goblins in item 1 above.

7. Getting too many characters around a Orc character is super nasty. Can you say 6-7 str 7 attacks. Ouch.

8. First chance for me to use the hit, kill, overrun into a combat, attack again. Got to do it with my PCB's. They took out the giant, then overran into his Generals unit. When this unit broke and ran that was game.

Win for the Skaven with the objective. So 44 points after 2 days and a 2-1 record.

Other things of comment from the O&G book.
Waaagghhh!! is not near as scary as it sounds in the book. When my opponent finally used it, it didn't really do anything. The only thing it really helps is his general's unit and big blocks of Orcs.
And it cannot prevent the '1' result, it just makes it worse.

There is a really nasty enchanted item combo. 2 characters need to take them. One is a bound 5(?) item that last 1 turn and gives you -1 Ld. As soon as you get that off, then he uses his pipes of doom. This is a one shot item that forces all enemy cavalry units to make a panic test. Combined with the -1 Ld makes this a very nasty item.

I love a lot of their new magic items. Some of their weapons are awesome. The banner that can give them +3 dispel dice. Sweet. Black orcs are now very usable characters. Overall, it looks like a fun army but not overpowered.

Good luck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, Ben.... Jezzails don't seem to be infantry, thus they cannot enter a building. Even if they could, only unit strength 5 can shoot per floor (which means 2).

6:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

They are on Cav bases but are still counted for infantry for all purposes. Allesio has stated this.

And yes about the US 5 per floor. It was a 3 story building. So I could get all 5 shooting.

6:27 PM  

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