BR: CoU vs VC, part 2
When we left off things were a real mess.
Turn 4a: His black knights and vamp charge my WW on the hill and the ghouls charge them in the rear. I fail my Ld 9 fear test, flee right into the ghouls and am auto-destroyed. The ghouls and black knights run right through each other.
He then uses the dance to move the ghouls into the rear of my Grandmasters unit.
When all is said and done, there I lose combat by 2. Needing a 7 not to break, I hold.
But I'm down to my WW standard warbanner, BSB and general.
Turn 4b: This turn things need to change. Warhounds into the rear of the grave guard. I fail my fear test and fail.
WW into the small unit of zombies with necro and failed their fear test.
In the middle, the BSB is taken down, but the general kills all but two of the zombies. We win combat by 2. GG down to 6. Ghouls make their break test.
Turn 5a: Not much happens here. 1 necro is running around. His wraith challenges my general who must accept. But the WW takes the ghouls down to below 5, so he loses his rear bonus. He loses combat by one. The wraith takes a wound.
Turn 5b: The WW charge the small zombies, make their fear test but are out of range by 1/4". Ughhhh. Move their 7 and stop. But the DoW cav charge the rear of them. Kill 4 and the whole unit pops.
The hounds again fail their fear test to charge the rear of the GG.
Turn 6a: The Black knights turn to face my 2 dogs. Everything else is dead but the necromancer in the woods who runs and hides.
Combat no one takes any wounds. I think he wins by one and I hold.
He raised a large unit of zombies to block my DoW from charging the rear of the Wraith.
Turn 6b: WW into the rear of the grave guard, but are out of range. That is 3 charges this unit failed for being out of range. The other WW unit on the right flank finally killed off the spirit hosts.
The DoW try to charge the flank of the new zombies to pick up a few more VP but fail their Ld 9 fear test and stand.
in the big combat, the WW knight finally fails to kill any ghouls and takes 4 wounds. he fails his armor save and is killed. My general loses combat by 4. Breaks and is crossfired from the new raised unit of zombies.
That was how the game ended.
I had 2 table quarters while he had a standard and general's bonus. The VC player conceded the victory, but the more I think about it, I believe it ended up being a draw.
Final thoughts and lessons learned coming soon.
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