Thursday, August 07, 2008

Wars, Rumors and Rumors of Warriors

With the new Warriors of Chaos book coming out in November, rumors are rampant and spread around all over the net. I'm trying to compile them with some effort and bring them to you here in one post, or several. ;)

I'm very excited about this new list for 1 huge reason, they are bringing Marauder horsemen back into Core for the list, after moving them to special for the WD list. (what a crock that was.)

So my centaurs will be moving back into the realms of chaos, unless the point costs is just too prohibitive.

So without further ado...

First off is the Spearhead box set to be released in late October.
It is suppose to contain:
The Warriors of Chaos Army Book
5 Marauder horsemen
5 Chaos Knights
10 Warhounds
10 Chosen (these would be foot warriors)
6 new character models

The army is supposed to look like this:
Marauder Horsemen (!!!WHOOOHOOO!!!)
Chaos Hounds

Chosen Warriors
Chaos Knights
Warrior Chariots
Dragon Ogres
Chaos Trolls
Chaos Ogres

Chaos Spawn
Chaos Giant
Chaos War Alter (Possibly)

Army rules:
1. No more undivided mark. Instead all units may re-roll failed psych tests.

2. No more chosen knights.

3. Chaos Warriors: M4 WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I5 A2 Ld8 Chaos Armor (4+) 15 pts
+1 point for a shield.

4. There is a gifts table, that the chosen and characters roll on. Low is bad, med good, high, very good.

5. Each time a character wins a challenge they get another gift.

6. There is a Troll King special character.

7. You can build an all monster list.

8. Chaos Knights are just incredible. WS 5 or 6, Str 5, T4, chaos armor, barded steed and shield for 1+ save. Equipment upgrade for +1 str (morningstar?) or some new special weapon, no lances. 2 Attacks each. So basically the old chosen.

9. Mark of Khorne will give frenzy.

10. Mark of Tzeentch may give +1 level. So heroes can be level 3, Lord level 5. (very much a rumor, unconfirmed.)

11. In one of the magic lists, maybe Tzeentch, is a MM that is strength 2d6. So 2-12. And if you roll 11 or 12, it simply destroys the unit!! Uhmm, I have seen this in 2 places and both places called foul. I'll have to see this to believe it.

12. The pic for the marauder horsemen
shows them in Light armor and shields. And yet are still supposed to be fast cav. So armor 4+ fast cav?? Or is this a take a shield and lose your fast cav ability. I hope not. I'd love my horsemen to have 4+ save and be fast cav. Come to pappa.

13. The Chaos Trolls are supposed to be just broken. One unconfirmed rumor says for every 2 regeneration rolls they make, they gain a gift. See 4 above.

14. Marauder horsemen are now supposed to be str 4. So imagine throwing axes at strength 5, and with flails, strength 6!! Oh yea!!

Well thats it for now, I know I'm forgetting a few things. I'll keep you posted as I find out more.

Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q1: Any idea what would be the core units in an all monster list? hounds??
Q2: Are the hounds fast Cav, skirmishers or are the still a *ranked* unit?

**Wackyhammer alert: a pack of canines without a packmaster/dog handler (in any warhammer army, not just this one) that operates as anything but a skirmish formation is Wackyhammer.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chaos War Altar?

That sounds so immensely cool I cannot contain my glee.

8:27 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

gh: I would imagine Trolls or Ogres would count for core in the monster list. As for hounds being fast cav or skirmishers, I doubt it.

I have heard there is a good chance they will not cause panic on everything else.

Ben: Agree, it was actually in the 4th and 5th edition chaos. So its a bring back. Still not 100% on that, but should know as soon as the Sept white dwarf hits the street.

1:30 PM  

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