Halloween Parties, oh bother
As I posted before, the wife, son and I were invited to a Halloween party this year. I have never been a big party guy if the party didn't have something behind it. But these were friends of ours who said they had this party every year.
So I figure its going to be a good time. Their son is probably our son's best friend and so how can we say no.
We had decided on the Stargate SG-1 team as our theme costume and went about the chore of getting everything together and made them.
The party was moved back one week due to an illness, which actually worked out better for us anyway. The start time was 7:30 and we decided to try and be on time. As usual we were about 10 minutes late and came in at 7:40. They had great decorations in the house from bloody foot prints to blood dripping down the walls to a little castle thing you had to walk through to get in that made scary noises.
As it turned out we were the first ones there and the only ones there until about 8:30 when the rest of the guests started showing up. This was OK as it gave us a chance to spend with our friends without them having to be hosts.
But later as the other guests arrived, our Host and Hostess were pulled in many directions. Leaving us basically to fend for ourselves. And while the Margaritas were good, and all the food was great. I remember why I'm not a big fan of parties.
For one, I knew no one else there. Two, we had almost nothing in common with any of the other people there.
Everyone was nice and polite, but when the party revolves around drinking and talking with strangers, I can think of a lot of other things I'd rather be doing.
Tim did have a great time, hanging out with is best friend, even if none of the other kids would have anything to do with the 2 of them. Your basic kids discriminating against the kids that are different. Nothing new there. It didn't seem to bother the 2 of them and they probably had the best time of anyone at the party.
The highlight of the party besides the first hour of getting to just talk with our friends, was they did hold a costume contest and we won. They held one for the adults and one for the kids.
To be honest there were very few adults in costume. Why come to a costume party, not in costume? And the kids contest was pretty split up, with Tim getting a couple of votes. But he didn't win.
We won a very nice bottle of wine, and a Halloween mug that changes as it gets hot.
So while there were a few good times, about and hour and a half was walking around making small talk with people I have never seen before, and if I ever see them again, it will probably only be at next years party.
What are you going to do? No wonder people are all hermits and recluse inside.
Here is our award winning costumes. Yea I know it looks like Marilyn had a bit too much to drink already, but I don't think she had had any when this pic was taken.
And here is a pic of Tim with his best friend in his costume. Which I thought was outstanding, but he only wore it about 5 mins for the whole night. Hard to blame him. But it does look cool.
Until next time...
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