Monday, October 02, 2006

Tactic of the Week

I have the following situation:

In one area of the battle I have only a unit of clanrats and night runners, facing off against a wolf rider unit, shown here without riders, and a very large nasty unit of Orcs. Their only drawback is Low leadership. My shooting and magic are useless, so I need to break them in some other way.
The solution charge the clanrats into the wolf riders and the night runners into the block of Boyz:

Then we commence combat. Since its my turn, I choose to fight the smaller combat first. The Boyz kill all but 2 of the night runners, and break them easily. They either voluntarily pursue, they are orcs, or a failed Leadership test forces them to pursue:

Above is the picture after the Orcs have pursued. The 2 fleet of foot rats get away, but more importantly the Orcs, have now pulled within the very important
6" range to the wolf combat.
I think you can figure it out at this point. The clanrats easily break the Wolf unit and pursue, but the goal was to get the Orc unit fleeing. They are forced into a panic check now and are running as well:

Good luck and have fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's such simple things, yet it's great to see them written down, with photograps and all. Please keep posting these!

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here here

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except orcs ignore goblin panic! :)

8:47 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Good point. Assume Orc Boar riders then. ;)

9:38 AM  

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