Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Bone Yard Oct Contest

Todays contest will be a Warhammer Rules question.

You are allowed only ONE answer. Your first one will be counted. Any others after that are simply clues for any other contestants. This will prevent anyone from just guessing every possible answer.

Contest:Warhammer rules

Rule value: 1 point.

Q: If you want to expand or reduce your ranks by between 1 and 5 models, how much movement must you sacrifice?

Good luck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

half...and i think you meant "or"

shaun g

11:01 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Exactly. Good job Shaun.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say you have a unit of archers facing this way.

Can they change facing (1/4 movement), reduce a rank (1/2 movement) and shoot all in the same turn?


Andy H

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, if you start out like this:


And turn (costing 1/4 your movement):


You can add up to 5 models to your front rank (for 1/4 of your movement):


You can even move 1/4 of your movement and still shoot!

7th ed. changing formation is all about changing the number of models in the front rank (and thus all subsequent ranks), not about adding or subtracting ranks (that was 6th ed.). Those "no-move-and-shoot penalty" wood elf glade guard just got a lot nastier!


12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, the adding 5 models to the front rank should cost 1/2 movement, not 1/4.


12:27 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Excellent question Andy and good answers Rick. Remember you can't march, but it does allow you to turn and sort of reform without killing your entire movement.

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually none - if you're in combat and win!

Cheers, Mutter

3:03 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

This was emailed to me as well. But I was talking about normal movement. Since you cannot reduce the models in the front rank while in combat, only increase, I think that was evident.

But excellent catch, as I did leave that out.

4:57 AM  

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