Quote of the Day Contest: 9/8
This one should be really easy. So I want the name of the character who said it, what it was in reference to and the full title of the movie.
Quote value: 1 point
"No. You do, or you do not!"
Good luck.
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Yoda, Empire Strikes Back
Hmmm, you were supposed to provide more info.
"There is not try"...ESB, Yoda to Luke in reference to lifting the X-wing out of the swamp via The Force.
"not" = "no"...sorry about that
Yoda is saying it to Luke in reference to using the force in an attempt to salvage his x wing
And if you want the full title of the movie it is:
Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
This is a tough one as neither of you has given me the full title of the movie yet.
The full title of the movie is Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Or, how about Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Or, how about Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Yes, that was what I was looking for.
But being the nice guy, I'm going to give both of you the point.
You're such a nice guy, Ben
I try.
Yoda: "There is no try. There is only do or do not."
Ben ;)
And the one I finally again would have gotten in a heartbeat and remembered to put full title on is given on the day that I spend at the GW Hobby Center playing in the last 6th ed tourney, my wife playing Lizards and I piloting the store's Ogre Kingdom's to round out the dismal showing of 5 people.....Ah the horror...but my 3 boxes of Skull pass models make it worth it
For once I had the right answer, but it is already written here... Not easy when you watch film in French...
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