Lone Wolf Battle Report Part 2
This is the conclusion to Part I of the Roman Empire vs the Skaven horde.
Turn 4a: Having spent his one shot trap and failed, he rescued his general's unit by charging into the flank of the slaves with its detachment. I let them flee and they get away.
His Right flank unit charges the slaves in front of them, who hold and are now showing their flank to my clanrats.
His archers all rally. and the mortar team moves up out of charge range of the Giant rats.
His center units move up some. But he is hesitating not wanting to fall into my own diverting traps.
His fast cav kill a few more rats in the swarm.
But his 2nd fast cav who held when the tunnelers hit them in the bottom of 3, cannot take all the poisoned hits and flee. Chased by the fleet rats, but get away. The mortar team panics and flees off the table.
On the left flank where the Romans are dominating, he is also hesitating.
I really felt he should have pushed in hard here.
His right big unit breaks the slaves, but opts not to pursue and restrains.
Turn 4b: On the right flank, the large unit is just too nice to pass up and my clanrats charge towards the flank. The unit flees and gets away.
My ratling guns mow down his detachments and the large units are setting up for charges on his big blocks.
Magic desimates his non-general's block in the middle and it panics and runs.
Jezzails shoot into the swarm combat, kill a fast cav dude and they panic and run.
It was looking worse for the Romans with every turn.
Gutter runners charge the archers who flee. I redirect into more archers who flee as well.
Turn 5a: The fast cav #2 rally as does both big blocks that were running. The small detachement on the left of the center charges the ratling gun, who kills them to a man in the stand and shoot.
He is trying to keep his general's unit from being flanked but it is impossible. Too many units surrounding the lone small unit.
Turn 5b: Gutter runners charge the cav #2 again who flee and run off the board. slaves charge the detachment with the monks banner on the left flank, break it, run it down and hit the main unit on the left flank.
General's unit charges his generals unit, but now outnumbered, he flees.
Giant rats move up onto the hill in the back of his deployment zone.
Swarms charge into his block on the right flank. Idea was if he could live 1 round of combat, I had them in the flank or rear in turn 6. Clanrats move up to get the rear charge.
He does 4 wounds in one round of combat, killing the last swarm and overruns right in front of my Giant Rats.
Turn 6a: Big unit on right flank charges the giant rats on the hill. I lose combat by 1, so needing a 7, I roll a 6 and flee 11". I'm on by 1/2". I'd rather they just ran off. He failed to catch them.
He rallies his generals unit and 2nd big block.
On the left flank he kills the slaves and overruns.
Turn 6b: I panic my night runners, they run off the board, giant rats fail to rally and run off also.
I charge one of his big blocks, wipe it out.
In magic my warlock blows himself up, but the ratling guns continue to tear up his units.
Game over. We added it up and with a banner and a couple of table quarters, I won by around 500-600 vp. It was a great fought game where both of us were setting up traps and tricks. Each of us could see the other guys plan but there was little either of us could do about it.
Aaron claimed it was the first time he had lost with this army, and with his Lone wolf record he finished with either only 1 loss or 1 loss and 1 draw, I believe it. He ended up with 72 battle points and tied me with 136 for best general. His army received Players choice, and I'm certain he received a couple more awards. One for painting and maybe 3rd overall as he came in 5th overall in the final standings.
Aaron, I definetely welcome another game with you anytime as I really enjoyed it and it started off a great weekend.
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