Friday, September 08, 2006

Full list of Warhammer 7th ed changes

This may not be a complete list of the changes, but it is darn close. I hope this helps a lot of people as they pick up their new rule books tomorrow. I'm working on a review of the new 7th ed rules now. I'll post it later. Fighting my first 7th ed battle tomorrow.

7th Edition Rule Changes

Maximize models on both sides when charging.
Fleeing units go through other units, no more running around.
If they go through their own unit and are US 5, they cause panic.
Unit destroyed if flee through a enemy unit of US 5+ or impassable terrain.
No more redirection, simply move charger in straight line, either hit or don’t hit. Fresh target gets reaction as well. If would hit, must will to maximize.
Charger may opt to stop 1” in front of the enemy unit.
Power dice only used by model that generates it.
Miscast chart got a lot worse.
Most basic lores got a rewrite.
Characters/weapons teams/doomseekers no longer protected by units nearby.
No more draw in rule.
If you charge a unit and would hit more units, they are charged and get reactions as well.
No psychology tests in combat.
All panic is now 6” and need US 5 to cause it. Breaking from combat, destroyed or being fled through. Anytime you suffer 25% casualties, you take panic test.
Take panic tests immediately but only 1 per phase.
No more panic for being charged in flank/rear while engaged, or panic from fleeing units.
If you win combat and only fighting 1 enemy unit, you may turn to bring more models into combat. By turning or reforming.
Fast cav may flee from a charge, and if they rally, still move and shoot.
Cleaned up when frenzy units declare their charges
Combats worked out by players turn choice. Work out everything, move everyone then go to next combat.
If you win combat, break a unit and overrun into a unit already engaged but has not fought yet, you may fight with them as well. But that same unit may not overrun again.
BSBs now add +1 to combat res in addition to a regular banner.
You no longer need to charge a unit in the flank to break ranks, just have a US 5 non-skirmishing unit there at beginning of combat.
Skirmishers can not always march now, enemy in 8” blocks them.
Rallys are now done in an order and not all at once. (So can you rally your general and use his LD to rally the others?)
No more lapping around.
Swarms now crumble like undead if they lose combat. Undead swarms do NOT crumble twice.
Monster reaction table is completely revamped
Fleeing multiple chargers
Pursuing unit may catch multiple fleeing units.
No psychology in combat
Stupid no longer in combat
Pistols cannot be used in combat. May multi-shoot if you have more than 1.
Debunk the monster charge around guys rule
Skirmishers may charge around interposing units
Flyers fleeing and pursuing
Champions move within unit
BSB now lost if you break with it.
Warmachine movement goes down with loss of crew.
Crew other warmachines
Grapeshot back to the flame template but the strength is determined by the artillery dice.
Much better examples of cannons shooting through ranks of troops.
Scouts, no restriction on deployment zones.
Table quarters (us 5 & no more choose, majority models if split)
Characters and units, half vp for half wounds or models.
Casting re-rolls, roll them all.
Fixed last one turn spells. Only RIP spells may be dispelled unless it states otherwise.
Clarifies what happens with pursuit rolling less but catching
Characters in chariots, only +2 armor vs shooting, different in a challenge
No wound to characters when chariot is destroyed.
Chariots may voluntarily move through difficult terrain, but take hits.
Must use highest leadership value available to a unit for any test.
Skirmishers only -1 to be hit if US 1 and man size.
If you overrun into an enemy unit it may choose to flee.
If you would stop on a unit when fleeing, move past it. If on another unit, move past it.
If any part of a model is subject to hatred, frenzy, stupidity, etc.. the entire model and all parts of it are affected as well.
Stubborn characters pass it on to the unit they are in.
If a character causes fear or terror, any unit they join is also immune to fear/terror.
If a unit comes back on the table after pursuing, you may not march.
All new rules for fighting in buildings.
If unit is on a hill, then any unit on the ground may shoot with all ranks at them.
If multiple chargers in a combat, swing in initiative order.
Any unit at the front of a chariot that is considered charging suffers impact hits.
If chariot flees through units, they all take impact hits, even if chariot destroyed.
Only stand and shoot if all chargers are outside half their charge range.
Catapult targeting rules changed.
Overrun only if you are the charger and you wipe the enemy out.
A unit with Magic Resistance may add in dispel dice when trying to dispel a RIP spell that is already on them.

Good luck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You no longer need to charge a unit in the flank to break ranks, just have a US 5 non-skirmishing unit there at beginning of combat."

Is there a change here? I didn't think you had to actually charge to break ranks in 6th ed...just have non-skirmished US 5+ on a flank/rear at ANY point in a combat, and the enemy unit didn't get to count rank bonus. Was this incorrect?

10:02 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

No, in 6th you actually had to charge with a us 5+ unit (non-skirmishing). About the only time this can happen though is if an undead unit of 1-4 models charged in and was then added to with magic. So it doesn't happen a lot, but it can.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So in a 6th ed. combat, my unit of ranked guys gets charged in the flank by 5 non-skirmished whatever, and I don't get to count my ranks. Fortunately, I don't break, so in subsequent rounds I would get to count my ranks? This doesn't seem right.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

No, once they were broken, you didn't get them back until the flanking unit was reduced to below 5. But it took the initial charge to break them.

Now if I guess for whatever reason, there is a US 5 unit on your flank/rear you lose your rank bonus.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flyers fleeing and pursuing....?

One thing I noticed last time I read the book was that when you turn you only turn complete ranks and then move the uncomplete rank to the back.

So 24 skaven 5 wide who turn to the side will end up 4 wide and 6 deep, losing their ranks.

Or did I misunderstand something?

1:05 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Nope, that seems rediculous to me, but that appears to be the way they want to do it.

I personally hate it.

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pistols can be used in combat, they just act as an extra hand weapon, or in the case of only pistols, as a handweapon.

Still gives Warlock Engineers two S4 attacks.

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Take panic tests immediately but only 1 per phase"
Doesn't the panic test section state that panic test are "often" taken immediately (for convenience), but the 25% casualties section says that units "must" take panic tests at the end of the phase.
So if you want you can take them early, or you could keep your oppenent guessing and wait till the end of the phase.

1:36 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I meant to say, pistols cannot be fired in combat. But are still used in hand to hand.
I also neglected to say, you may stand and shoot no matter the range of the charging target.

As for the psych tests. I thought I remember reading somewhere you were supposed to roll as soon as it came up. Maybe it was just a convenience thing, I'll have to go back and read it again.

7:46 AM  

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