New Beastman Army
I got to play my first 7th edition game Saturday morning and I was not disapointed. It was a lively game with a lot of back and forths. I faced my eldest son and his Chaos slaanesh army. While I took my Doombull beast list. BR report with pics coming soon.
For those who have not heard me talking of this, I had some beautiful models laying around doing nothing as the models were now defunct (Vermin Lord) or useless (Rat Ogres). So this brought out my creative side and I came up with the idea for a totally proxied army.
It was a bit pricey to fill out the army, but overall I am very pleased with the model selections. I am now painting them and have been for some time. Lack of painting time has been my biggest drawback as I get very little of it.
I'm not a big fan of playing with an unpainted army, so I'm working on them as fast as I can.
Here is a pic of my Doombull/Vermin Lord. I still want to do a bit more work on him, but he is about 95% finished.
And here is a pic of him in his full unit:
I originally had this unit at 7 Rat Ogres and the Vermin Lord to pick up the rank bonus, but that is now gone, so I could seen no reason to keep it at 7 and dropped it to 5. I'll throw in some empty 40 mm or put on some giant rats following him around.
As for the background story For Ratspawn the Reincarnated.
The Council of 13 ordered Clan Moulder to create a smarter Rat Ogre. The Harbringer of Mutation Setrad succeeded better than expected and created Ratspawn. The Master Mutator in charge of Hell's Pit decided Ratspawn was too powerful and too smart to live. He ordered Ratspawn to be destroyed.
Setrad was devasted. Setrad discovered some old drawings of the Great Horned One and realized Ratspawn looked like the drawings. He then decided Ratspawn was the Reincarntion of the Great Horned One. He helped Ratspawn to escape with some help of a master moulder and the rest of the smarter rat ogres, and are now on the run from the Council of 13.
Army List:
Vermin Lord is Doombull with mark undivided, Hellfire sword, Heavy armor, shield.
Setrad the Harbringer of Mutations: bray shaman undivided level 1, 2x dispel scroll, braystaff, takes beast magic
Master Moulder: Wargor undivided w/chaos armor, great weapon, dark heart.
5 Rat Ogre Personal Body guard is 5 Minotaurs undivided w/champ, standard, great weapons.
4 Rat Ogres
4 Rat Ogres
3 Rat Ogres
3 Rat Ogres
(These are all Minotaurs undivided with great weapons)
3 x 5 Giant Rats
(Chaos hounds. I found some great Giant rat models to use for my hounds, made by Reaper.)
2 Rat Carts are beast chariots.
(1 is pulled by 2 of the Nurgle giant rats, the other is pulled by an older huge giant kangoroo rat made by grenadier. A clanrat and a storm vermin are in the chariots. One of the chariots is a beastman chariot, the other scratch built.)
7 Roided up Clanrats led by 6 packmasters
7 Roided up Clanrats led by 6 packmasters
(This is 2 beastherds. 7 Gors with extra hand weapons, full command, 6 ungors with spears.)
so 13 in each unit to form the Number of the Horned one.
I made these by using Gor/ungor bodies and attaching skaven heads on them. The ungors are packmasters, who drive them into combat.
5 Cloud Runners. This are 5 furies.
Here I'm using night runners with fury wings. I had 2 up on flying stands, but they keep breaking off. Either I need to do away with the flying stands or drill holes into the bodies of the night runners to hold them better.
4x Failed Rat Ogres with Mark of the horned one.
Chaos spawn with marks of slaanesh.
I originally only ran 2, and had a 2nd wizard. But decided to run with a single wizard and try out 2 more spawn instead. I will probably cut back to 3 and use the points elsewhere. Either to boost the herds or add a 3rd Rat cart.
I also run Setrad as a 2nd level most of the time, this is the first time I ran him as a 1st level. Having only 1 spell was a bit limiting, but I did get the spell off twice.
Let me know what you think of the list and the pics. Thanks.
I love the story of your army and the way you painted the rat ogres bodyguards. Last but not least the failed rat ogres being chaos spawns is just great !
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