Whats going on?
Thanks for all the kind words over the length of the blog, but it is going to slide by the wayside.
I have a new project in mind that is very exciting and will take up most of my free time. I am getting everything ready for it, to be ready by Jan-Feb next year.
I'll make an announcement here as well as on most of the lists. So keep an eye out for that. Don't want to say too much for now, but lets just hint that it could make a huge splash in the Warhammer world. I sure hope so anyway.
As for some of the questions:
@David, yes, I was planning on it if the timing was right. When is the Bayou?
For the guy who wanted to post my battle report on your website, go ahead as long as you credit it to me and put a link back to my blog.
Thanks again guys, its been fun.
Until next time...