Tuesday, October 24, 2006


That about sums it up. This is the one show a week I so look forward to. It reminds me of Lost with so much going on. But Lost got lost, wondering around and was just so weird. Lost doesn't make a lot of sense now.

But Heroes seems to be moving forward with a real plot that looks awesome.
Not to go into too much detail this week but here were some highlights.

1. We got to see Nathan fly. Wow, now that was awesome. Nathan and Hiro meet when he lands, but Nathan showed his politicians side when he negotiated his bribe up to 4 million when he found out he had been taped with Nikki.

2. Nikki saw a tape of herself as her alter ego. I'm sure that was an eye opener.

3. Matt woke up at home. Syler made him forget what happened, but they didn't cut out his brain. Not sure why not? Then he gets back with his wife, he used his powers for good there. ;-) Then at the store later is overwhelmed with emotional thoughts and he passes out.

4. At the end a new character shows up, DL. This is Nikkis ex husband and Micah's father. His ability is that he can walk through walls. Very cool. Some people are getting him confused with the Cleaner Syler. But I think they are 2 different actors and characters. So I'm looking forward to seeing more about him later.

5. Of course the show started with Future Hiro talking with Peter. "Save the Cheerleader, save the world." He goes back to see Isaac who is coming off his high. He didn't have enough Heroine to finish his painting. But Peter finishes it for him. It is gruesome as it shows Claire with her brain cut out. Whenever Isaac is on the screen, I just get goosebumps. You know those kind you get when something weird is going on.

6. But it ends with Hiro calling Isaac. "Don't answer it. Some Japanese guy keeps calling." Peter answers it.

Its all coming together, the characters are being drawn to each other by some unknown force and they are powerless to stop it. Its their Destiny. "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!!"

WOW!! The show is just great. What were your thoughts on it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am making it my new crusade to find this show on the net somewhere and watch it from the beginning. I watched half of the last episode on NBC.com but couldn't follow all of it, when i find episode 1 and beyond, I'll be there, everything I've seen/heard sounds fantastic

8:06 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Yea, I'm pushing this show hard. But you do have to follow it from the beginning. And its a bit confusing because you don't know what's going on even after watching them.
I think they are trying to make you feel like the heroes, because they don't know what's going on.
But I love it, good luck Ben. I've heard you can find it online in places.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great show, ive been following it from the beginning. i dont watch too many shows, but this one looked worthwhile. so far i dont have any major complaints. things are just now starting to come together.

i enjoyed the 'father' of the cheerleader taking his vengeance on the quarterback. cut him a break if you ask me.

i did like the tease of the new character DL, so we shall see what goes on with him.

Shaun g

6:42 AM  

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